View Full Version : Head Pressure

31-08-14, 17:03
Another day, another worry.

My latest worry is head pressure, on and off for a few days now I have been getting it. It hasn't bothered me so much until today as it appears to be more constant. My eyes feel strange and the pressure is mainly around the front of my head above my eyes, before my hair stops. I also feel ever so slightly dizzy when I move my head from side to side.

I have been a little bit more stressed than usual lately and my body is twitching like mad again! So I am hoping it is that, but I'm worried about a brain tumour or the likes. I know it can be normal, especially with anxiety, but how would you differentiate which is normal and which isn't? I also have had the odd moment where I hear really high pitched and my ears feel funny.

I HATE this so bad! The more worried I feel, the more depressed I come and vice versa. Will I ever be normal again? Will I ever be able to work again?? I am so fed up.

31-08-14, 19:34
I zm have strange feeling in my head and eyes to can't explain but feel like I can not think straight at all xxxx

01-09-14, 03:13
I had this happen to me a few weeks ago and it lasted 2 weeks. I ended up having a sinus infection and had to get antibiotics. The pressure is gone but i'm still slightly dizzy. I hope you feel better soon!!!

01-09-14, 09:54
Thanks for the replies guys, I did end up feeling sick as a dog last night and lay down for 3 hours. Felt okish after, hopefully just a tiny bug.

03-09-14, 18:37
So glad to see your post - exactly the same as me! Pressure forehead really bad and dizzy and eyes feel funny.
I think it's a sinus infection - I do suffer from them. Got antibiotics from Doctor - Amoxycillin.

03-09-14, 19:25
Keekee - I know the feeling! I spent about 27 years of my lifes with maybe 1 headache a year, and then starting last year, I now have headaches all the time in varying areas on my head.

In addition, at night I have (what seems to be) myoclonic jerks/jolting and also a weird dizziness/adrenaline rush/pressure feeling in my head. It rarely happens with awake, and nearly always happens when trying to sleep.

So, you aren't alone at the very least. :hugs: