View Full Version : what a week

31-08-14, 20:23
have had suuch a terrible week. Start of the week i was stressing because of family problems and friends having a go and being horrible. Then later in the week I had an emotional say as I had people putting me down all the time and theychad a cheek to say that I put ppeople down all the time and hurt them. I could never hurt a fly. Like most of you know that talk to me I hate seeing people hurt and upset so how does that work?

Friday I had my last volunteering day at my local boxing. It was so upsetting to leave because i have been there for a year and seen all the kids grow in confidence and grow as boxers and be more fit. I cllassed all the staff there as family as they were so support of me. They were there for me when i lost my step mom and made sure i felt part of the team.

Then the weekend came and i had a terrible time again. On saturday was upset and panicked because I felt like someone was going to get me and hurt me like I did in the past. I know it is silly as it happened in the past but i cant help it. I also got upset and cried for an hour straight about everything and when i was stopping something that i thought about would set me off again.

Then today I HAD 2 panic attacks. All because i was left alone with 2 lads and I was so scared. I thought either something would happen or I would see someone that i dont like. Then the other time we was walking etc and I had breathlessness and i went really dizzy so had to lie down on the grass. I didnt like it.
Sorry i went on and on abit. Hust need to get it of my chest. :(

31-08-14, 20:53
Awww that is one hell of a week, make sure you spoil yourself next week to make up for it :) x

31-08-14, 21:05
Ii hope this week will be better. Just been a horrible week. Cant wait for a new one. New week. New start. Xxx

31-08-14, 21:41
Sorry to hear about this week, nice to hear you are looking forward to the next :)

31-08-14, 21:57
I have no choice mm36. Thank you for your support. X

31-08-14, 22:13
So many people seemed to have had a bad week. Met one of my friends tonight and she also had a bad week, as did I. Put it down to just one of those weeks and look forward to the next one being better!

31-08-14, 22:36
Been horrible. And yeah they have. I know a few people have. I just am getting so so anxious as one week to pack for holiday and uni. So scared too. And not great right now. :( i guess new week is new start?