View Full Version : How will i cope, please help!

31-08-14, 22:07
I have really bad anxiety issues and health anxiety. I try convince myself nothing is wrong but inside I feel like I'm about to stop breathing and die! I worry my heart will stop, or I will stop breathing and die. The thing is my symptoms are really distressing and it draws me to the conclusion sometimes that it is actually something serious like a heart problem or disease or like I'm about to have a fit! I've also got a urine infection that I've had for awhile now I'm still waiting for antibiotics which are suppost to come Tuesday. I confuse myself when I think that there is actually something serious wrong. I feel very weak and like I am dying..:( I have also got social anxiety and I am meant to be starting college Tuesday! What am I going to do?!?!! I know I won't cope because I can barely cope with going out in my local area with my family! I still feel like something bad is happening to me! I get constant shortness of breath, weakness, tight throat and chest, feeling like something real bad is happening, dizzyness, heavyness in my body, breathing difficulty, I get it 24/7 and its distroying me! I don't know what to do or say anymore and I don't know How On Earth I Will Cope Tuesday! Any advice? Will I die? When I am around people the sensations get EXTREMELY INTENSE, I don't know how I will even be able to sit down surrounded by people and still breath. Nothing I do calms me or makes the feels go. I have no hope and any reply's I will be really grateful! Pray for me please

---------- Post added at 22:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

Any Advice Please? Stressing out!!! :(

31-08-14, 22:45
Hiya, I suggest going to see your gp and tell him/her exactly what you have said on your post. They can suggest therapy and medication to help deal with your anxiety. I was put on medication 2 weeks ago, has taken the edge off my anxiety x

Flying Stars
31-08-14, 22:46
Sending hugs x

31-08-14, 22:52
Thank you! I just don't know how I will cope Tuesday:'(

31-08-14, 23:11
What Rosiebee says. See your GP. Seriously, you`ll be glad you did. :)

31-08-14, 23:15
I went to my GP and he said that everything is fine despite that I still have all this (my post) he suggested I talked to someone about it, I am in the process of waiting to talk to someone however Tuesday is almost here!:-( helloppppp

01-09-14, 00:27
Why not try to go to the college today? Monday. Just as a trial run, turn up at the bit then come straight home.

If you can do that then you know Tuesday will be ok.

01-09-14, 11:03
OK, a couple of bits of advice.

* Go to college on Tuesday - it will give you something to think about. Deal with the stuff that you have to deal with in the first few days, like registering and finding out when your lectures are. Dealing with the people around you will come as a consequence of this
* People don't suddenly stop breathing - even if you held your breath until you fainted, your brain would make you start again