View Full Version : Bony bump upper arm

Flying Stars
31-08-14, 22:22
Hi I suffer with health anxiety quite a lot and felt a bony lump on the top of my upper arm bone two days ago. It doesn't have any pain and I feel well within myself (apart from this horrible worry) so I keep thinking surely it couldn't be anything serious?? However I'm still worried about getting through tomorrow with this anxiety. When I twist my arm in different positions I can't feel it as prominent but it is hard when my arm is in normal position. I can't think of having any injury to it but I did have to carry a huge suitcase a few days ago so just thinking it could of come from that. I showed my dad yesterday who basically sighed that I was worrying again and said we'll just go to the pharmacy tomorrow to see what they say (he doesn't deal well with me and this stuff.) Any reassurance or similar stuff you guys have experienced? x

31-08-14, 22:46
Perhaps you have just enlarged it from when you carried that suitcase and itll go down in a few days itself? If it isn't causing you pain or if it isn't red or broken the skin, don't worry:)

Flying Stars
31-08-14, 23:11
Thanks :) yeah just trying to stay calm, can just feel it under my skin on the bone :( but obvs the horrible anxiety monster makes me worse all the time as we all know lol :/ had a busy few days dragging that heavy case so maybe that sprained it in someway. Keep thinking I'd be in agony if it was something worse x

01-09-14, 07:55
Heyyy! Hope you're okay!
It could be that the lump is nothing.. I was convinced I have an extra lump on my right hip but having seen three doctors none of them could find it so perhaps it's just part of your bone you've never felt before but HA has caused you to believe otherwise?!


Flying Stars
08-09-14, 15:37
Thanks for support guys, just to say that I eventually did go to the docs and it have a check over and he is certain it is a pulled muscle slightly out of place, therefore put me on ibuprofen and put my mind at rest :) x