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01-09-14, 02:28
it's 2:17 am and here I am once again worrying myself sick over something that some would consider probably impossible.

So since I was very young I've had many issues with my nose, I unfortunately many years ago got hooked to nasal spray and haven't been able to come off since because the nasal spray has now caused swelling in my nose unless it's used. On top of that the past couple of years I have developed awful allergies to lots of stuff, Cats, dogs, dust, pollen and it's made everything worse.

So just recently the left side of my nose has been getting awfully blocked, more so than usual and when I try to unblock it it didn't work, I went to google (dumb idiot i know) and found "nasal cancer first symptom is usually a blocked nose that doesn't get better", my next step was to proceed and stick my finger right up my nose to which I found only on the left side what feels like a boney, smooth thing! I can't feel where it ends and I can only feel around it a little bit, it feels exactly like bone and when I push on it it really hurts! I was panicking that this bone is cancer and is the reason why the left side has got worse! Then I had a bit of luck because I went to my brothers house and noticed a huge improvement in the left side, it wasn't completely unblocked but I could breathe out of it, this settled me for a while until my brain conjured up another scenario "what if the boney thing in my nose is causing most of the blockage and the other blockage is just my usual problems, that's why it's not going away completely, because the lump is causing half the problem"

I have googled and googled and haven't read a single story about a 22 year old male finding a boney lump type thing up his nose and it turning out to be cancer, apparently here in the UK only 400 people a year get nasal cancer so what are the chances I'd be one of them? Sure you I could use the whole I have nasal issues but I looked up to see if 1. Nasal sprays cause cancer (they don't) and if 2. Allergies, rhinitus, sinus infections and some other stuff cause nasal cancer and it doesn't! So I have no increased chances.

I know all this and yet I keep thinking about those people who always break the rule "so and so was only 15 when she was diagnosed with lung cancer which is absolutely unheard of" "so and so was 12 when he was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctors are astonished" now I'm think it'll be me! "He was 22 when he was diagnosed with a nose tumour"

Something that might settle my anxiety is this, I read that 50% of nasal cancers are squamous cell carcinomas and I don't know what they are, are they like hard boney lumps? there was only one I could find that was similar to hard lump but it only accounts for 7% of nasal cancers and that's like what? 20-30 people a year!

I know this is a long read but any help you could I offer I would be greatly reassured!

Thank you :)

01-09-14, 12:06
I've heard of being addicted to nasal spray. In fact my sister was. I have a bony thing in my nose as well. I had my gp take a look because I was concerned about cancer. He actually laughed at me. He felt if and said it was fine that my septum might be deviated.