View Full Version : Cancer from the material my glasses are made of?

01-09-14, 07:35
Some may find this odd, but my anxiety drives me to think like this..

I have these expensive pair of sunglasses i got as a gift. They're really nice and I love them. But one day I had them in the sun for to long and the sides that go over your ears got melted a bit.

In my mind- The plastic/or whatever material it is, is burnt, melted, which leads to the exposure of this material to possible leak into my skin when I wear the glasses.

I know it sounds weird but bear with me. the part that goes over ur ear is by on my skull and near my brain and it really scares me. i want to wear the glasses but i feel as if they might be giving off some chemical since it was melted a bit..

any help?

01-09-14, 08:10
I'm pretty sure that the only way melting plastic could possibly damage you is you inhaled alot of the fumes while it was melting - and I mean really hot and on fire melting.

If it bothers you, get a new pair of sunglasses. I'd also as for a refund - what good are expensive sunglasses if they melt in the sun? :huh:

01-09-14, 10:34
No, just no. Plastic and plastic compounds are everywhere the risk you have is near to non existent as it gets. Many of the controversies associated with plastics are associated with the additives in these special types but these are not your sunglass frame type applications.
I worked in a factory using hi tech polycarbonate plastic and different injection molding machines. The smell was strong and I kinda got used to it. :wacko:
I made modern motorcycle helmets using various plastics daily as well as fibreglass.

Trust me, you`ll be fine.

03-09-14, 11:54
Even margarine as plastic in it