View Full Version : Hope for all?

24-12-06, 13:44
A very Merry Christmas to everyone on the forum

I know how everyone is feeling at this time of year. All those invites to visit relatives and friends.....it's really hard. Only do what you are capable of doing and NEVER beat yourself if you are unable to do any of

I wanted to share a glimmer of hope on here - I thought it might inspire people. I've suffered antipicated anxiety for many years, always avoiding doing new things and going to new places so that I didn't feel the nerves and anxiety that usually comes with trying to front these things out.

I've recently moved out of home, out of an environment which although comfortable and easy, has become overbearing and slightly claustrophobic. I've decided to move 140 miles away and in with my partner.

Using his support and sometimes "tough love" I'm slowly managing to achieve more and more. I'm a freelance wedding planner and had to attend a meeting in Gloucester. He came with having been up all night at work. He showed me where to go and met up with me afterwards. I fought with him hammer and tong the night before and the morning we were due to travel, but he showed me how disappointed and gutted I would be if I didn't try hard to front it all out. AND I SURVIVED IT!!!!

Last night, I was so bouyed up with confidence, we went out to the circus, something that I wasn't overly interested in but my partner was desperate to go, and we had a great evening.

Therefore, the message is such - if you can muster up enough confidence to front out one situation that REALLY makes you frightened, make you panic over and over (in waves), you will realise that the fearing of the situation is far worse than the doing. And you DO NOT DIE from the panic feelings.

I'm certainly not over this - but I'm making huge steps towards feeling like I'm improving. There IS hope this Christmas.

Lots of love


Ange P
24-12-06, 15:12
Well done, you are doing really well, keep it up. I suffer from the same sort of thing, panicky about going to new places and doing different things. My husband is also very supportive, he pushes me into facing my fears (sometimes it's horrible) but you are right, it's the thought of facing it, not the actual thing itself that causes the panic. You have to continue reaching your goals, so that your confidence will keep on growing, so that new things won't become an issue eventually. Good luck to you in the future and a Merry Christmas.

Ange P