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View Full Version : HA is ruining my life...mentally and physically!

01-09-14, 14:19
I am at my wits end here. I know that I suffer from HA, but I feel like it is caused by some other health problem, rather than the other way about - I know, I'm stupid.
Since November last year I started developing stomach pains and bloating. I went to my GP who took bloods (only because I mentioned that my mum suffered from Chrons). The bloods showed an abnormality, and I was sent for retests 6 weeks later - these came back absolutely fine and I was told I was perfectly healthy. But I certainly didn't feel healthy! I started to feel very weak and fatigued all he time and I lost my appetite.
I kept returning to my GP (and even saw 3 other GP's in the Pactice as well).
So far, I have had around 5 blood tests, two urine samples and a stool sample - all of these have came back clear!
It is incredible frustrating, surely I can't feel so ill every day but actually be completely fine?
My worries have ranged from stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, bowel cancer, I have even recently considered heart disease because my chest is so painful and tight, and I feel pains over my heart.
I get really bad reflux after eating, and sometimes I feel very short of breath. My stomach is constantly bloated and uncomfortable, even when I haven't eaten.
It is now 10 months since my first visit to my GP, I have been referred to a psychologist for CBT which hasn't helped so far, and I STILL feel so run down all the time. I also take Propranolol and Omeprazole, this helps for my panic attacks and reflux but doesn't get rid of them completely.
I am terrified there is something wrong that all of the doctors have missed, and by the time they find it, it will be too late!
I even went to A&E one night, again my bloods were fine!
Surely my bloods don't show everything?
I am so scared, this is ruining my life and my relationship.

mr benn
01-09-14, 14:23
Just a quickie, and trust me , Im no doctor, just speaking from experience, - stomach pains / bloating / anxiety - sounds like classic symptoms for IBS ? Im sure they have gone there though ?

01-09-14, 14:32
Question: Do you want someting to be wrong with you?

My guess is you don't so the only person that believes you do have something wrong with you, is you. So the ONLY person who can stop the symptoms is also you.

01-09-14, 14:43
Hey Kimberley,

You sound so much like me - I have had loads of blood tests, stool and urine tests, trips to A&E and even scans, a smear test, a breast exam and got an xray booked next week.

Like you it started with have tests for stomach pains as my mum has got colitis.. all came back clear but also like I still feel crappy and focus on the pains which make them worse.

Have you spoken to your GP about your anxiety? I really didn't want to as I believed I was ill but I plucked up the courage last week and was referred for CBT which I am now waiting for.. instantly it felt like a weight had been lifted.

In the mean time I'm using this CBT course to try and work through everything: http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/reso...cfm?Info_ID=53

It might help you too.

Message me if you want to chat more :) xxxx

01-09-14, 14:58
Just a quickie, and trust me , Im no doctor, just speaking from experience, - stomach pains / bloating / anxiety - sounds like classic symptoms for IBS ? Im sure they have gone there though ?

Yeah, I was told it was IBS and had 3 different types of IBS medication - none of which helped. I have very bad constipation as we'll, so I know that I do have IBS, I just can't seem to shake the feeling that there is something else there!

---------- Post added at 14:58 ---------- Previous post was at 14:51 ----------

Hey Kimberley,

You sound so much like me - I have had loads of blood tests, stool and urine tests, trips to A&E and even scans, a smear test, a breast exam and got an xray booked next week.

Like you it started with have tests for stomach pains as my mum has got colitis.. all came back clear but also like I still feel crappy and focus on the pains which make them worse.

Have you spoken to your GP about your anxiety? I really didn't want to as I believed I was ill but I plucked up the courage last week and was referred for CBT which I am now waiting for.. instantly it felt like a weight had been lifted.

In the mean time I'm using this CBT course to try and work through everything.

It might help you too.

Message me if you want to chat more :) xxxx

I was referred by my GP for CBT with a psychologist and have attended 3 sessions so far, it helps me at the time but a few days later I'm back to worrying again! Every GP in the Practice knows about my anxiety, every time I take a trip there they just tell me that anything that's wrong with me is my anxiety - I know it probably is most of the time, but I feel like if I genuinely was I'll they'd just brush it off as anxiety now!
I, too, constantly focus on pains. It's not even just my stomach now, infact about 50% of the time it's somewhere else and I just instantly panic!
Hoping that by the end of my CBT I am able to control my thoughts better, good luck with yours! X