View Full Version : Shower rod hit me on the head

01-09-14, 16:31
So before I got in the shower, the shower rod fell and conked me in the middle back part of my head. It was one of those light not all heavy shower rods but I'm still kind of freaked. It didn't even really hurt but more I keep checking my head and thinking it about the more I feel there's discomfort. I'm know I'm being irrational but some reassurance would be nice.

02-09-14, 16:23
Reassurance, okay will give it a try. A light shower-rod tapped you on the head and it didn't even hurt . . . so what would you say to someone else who this happened to? Don't worry? Heads are hard? You're being irrational? There's nothing to worry about? Hmm, not too sure I'm being that reassuring but as nobody else had stepped in I gave it a shot. I wish you all the best.

02-09-14, 19:31
So before I got in the shower, the shower rod fell and conked me in the middle back part of my head. It was one of those light not all heavy shower rods but I'm still kind of freaked. It didn't even really hurt but more I keep checking my head and thinking it about the more I feel there's discomfort. I'm know I'm being irrational but some reassurance would be nice.

Yesterday I ran into a wooden pole really hard, and the edgiest part hit me straight in the head, and nothing happened. So I would say don't worry! If youˇre not experiencing severe dizziness and vomiting and MASSIVE headache, nothing happened. And even if you had a serious concussion, nothing wrong ever happens.


02-09-14, 22:48
Thanks for the reassurance. The ironic part about all this that I've had this happened to me before, I'm sure. That and I've had plenty of incidents where things have fallen off my closet shelf and hit me but before anxiety though it didn't even faze me. I wish my brain knew how to let things go.

Blagger Boy
02-09-14, 23:35

See the funny side of it ;)

03-09-14, 00:35
Agout eight years ago I was seriously assaulted, and ended up semi-conscious on the floor having my head kicked in by four large thugs wearing heavy boots for a good while. I didn't even have concussion. I'm fine.

How does your experience compare?