View Full Version : My brother took his life am I grieving or is this anxiety

01-09-14, 19:57
Hi I have been here before and received a great deal of help so I am hoping I will get a little more help

On 4 July this year my brother took his own life. I had recovered from a severe episode of anxiety maybe three weeks before this tragic event

For six weeks after his untimely death I think I was numb but 10 days ago started to feel as though my anxiety was coming back. I couldn't breath properly and my heart began to palpitate and my stomach started to roll.

I have terrible fear now of someone dying who is close to me

I can still leave the house and am trying very hard

My GP says that he doesn't want to give me anything to stop these feelings as he believes they are natural parts of grief and he says if we mask them with meds I will still feel this anxiety when I come off them

Has anyone else out there suffered from this

Catherine S
01-09-14, 20:18
Hi chuchu

My sister ended her life some years ago andI felt so helpless, but I raged at her...I had so much anger that she didn't come to me and talk to me, but then I learned to accept that most people who go through with it don't talk about it, they just do it. Your doctor is correct about masking the grief...however, I believe that there is a place for temporary releif if it all gets too much. See how you go on, its very new for you and you'll have so many emotions to work through. Everybody copes in different ways, but keep talking on here and hopefully you will find the support you need.

Many best wishes

01-09-14, 20:39
your grieving and every part of it is real sensations so what with grieving you are also experiencing your anxietys too. but it,s the grieving you feel the most. so so sorry about your loss.

01-09-14, 20:56
Thank you both so much it is a very very confusing time for me particularly as I suffer from anxiety and therefore I am confused as to what part of me is feeling grief but one thing has made a difference and that is the fact I am taking 30mg citalopram along with having a wonderful psychotherapist who I found for myself as if I had waited for the NHS unfortunately I would still be awaiting CBT 20 weeks later