View Full Version : So scared!

01-09-14, 23:54
So I've always been a complete worryer of fainting, of which I have only fainted once due to being ill and having a very big fever! I still can't seem to get this fear of fainting out of my head.
I also have a fear of fits, for some reason the thought of this completely freaks me out! And where I haven't ever had one, doesn't seem to help my head in forgetting about this fear!
This has now lead me to being worried about taking tablets prescribed by the doctor due to the 100-1 or 1000-1 chances of the side effects being
Fainting and fits.
Completely at my wits end now! I just want to help myself, but I am so scared of either fainting or having a fit.

If anyone can help me out, has been in the same situation or has any tips on what to do next, that would be brilliant!

Thank you in advance!

02-09-14, 00:48
Have you done CBT yet?

Catherine S
02-09-14, 00:58
Hi Megs

I think this is a very common fear, alot of people who suffer anxiety feel that they will lose control in this way. You say you fainted when you had a high fever, in actual fact this is when the body is more prone to a fit rather than just a faint, so you did well there lol! And always remember that even if you do faint your body will right itself no problem. Its only the embarassment of it that we think about rather than the actual faint itself. Fainting and fitting is extremely rare even in an anxious state.

Also, not a great idea to read the side effects of medication...you'll scare the pants of yourself. I take beta blockers and if I relied on the list of 'potential' side effects from them I'd never take them. I take them without knowing and they suit me fine and deal with the problem they were perscribed for.


02-09-14, 01:16
As ISB said, if you avoid taking a "prescribed" medication due to the "potential" side effects, you'll never stand a chance of getting better. Drug companies have to list side effects by law. Doctors prescribe drugs knowing the potential of adverse effects. The vast majority of patients do just fine. It's rare to find an individual that suffers a problem.

Let me give you a list of what I take with NO side effects....

Carvedilol - beta blocker 2x daily
Clopidogrel - blood thinner 1x daily
Lisinopril - blood pressure 1x daily
Pantoprazole - PPI 1 x daily
Lovastatin - statin (cholestorol/triglycerides) 1x daily
Gabopentin - nerve pain 3x daily
Tramadol - pain 1-2x daily
Aspirin - blood thinner 1x daily
Colace - stool softener 1x daily
Buspirone - anxiety - as needed
Ambien - insomnia - as needed

If you read even a small part of the side effects these drugs cause, you'd faint! Do yourself a favor and take the meds as prescribed, the worst that can happen is it doesn't work. The best that can happen is you feel better.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
02-09-14, 01:26
Good grief Mark! And at the end of the list you said etc! :ohmy:

02-09-14, 01:33
Good grief Mark! And at the end of the list you said etc! :ohmy:

"Yeah but"... Not the HA "Yeah but" but... things like Tylenol, ibuprofen, powdered laxatives in my daily smoothies... meds for gout attacks (side effect from chemo), allergy meds...shall I go on? I have a daily AM/PM pill container I have to fill just to keep track of it all! ;)

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
02-09-14, 01:41
Ok, I really want to say 'shake rattle and roll' to you but I luvs you too much!:sign20:

Female healthanxiety
02-09-14, 11:09
WOW Fish you ratteling over there!!!? :D:roflmao: xx

02-09-14, 12:43
WOW Fish you ratteling over there!!!? :D:roflmao: xx

Nah ;) ... I didn't mean to hijack the thread but just wanted to show Megs and others that they shouldn't fear taking a medication.

I see so many members talk about their symptoms. They finally muster up the courage to speak to their doctors and get prescribed something that can help them and then refuse to take it due to a fear of a side effect. I understand but at the same time there's the really good chance that the med will help them on the way to healing. I know that SSRIs do cause some slight side effects when ramping up but it's just for a short time and most if not all do just fine.

My daughter was on Zoloft and it stopped working. It took a couple tries but now she's on a med that's working great and she's doing much better with that along with therapy.

Positive thoughts

02-09-14, 13:20
As ISB said, if you avoid taking a "prescribed" medication due to the "potential" side effects, you'll never stand a chance of getting better. Drug companies have to list side effects by law. Doctors prescribe drugs knowing the potential of adverse effects. The vast majority of patients do just fine. It's rare to find an individual that suffers a problem.

Let me give you a list of what I take with NO side effects....

Carvedilol - beta blocker 2x daily
Clopidogrel - blood thinner 1x daily
Lisinopril - blood pressure 1x daily
Pantoprazole - PPI 1 x daily
Lovastatin - statin (cholestorol/triglycerides) 1x daily
Gabopentin - nerve pain 3x daily
Tramadol - pain 1-2x daily
Aspirin - blood thinner 1x daily
Colace - stool softener 1x daily
Buspirone - anxiety - as needed
Ambien - insomnia - as needed

If you read even a small part of the side effects these drugs cause, you'd faint! Do yourself a favor and take the meds as prescribed, the worst that can happen is it doesn't work. The best that can happen is you feel better.

Positive thoughts
Woah. That's a lot. May I ask for how Long have you been takin as many pills? I take a few
Myself and are always scared they will mess up my stomach (ulcer/bleeding something )

02-09-14, 13:28
Woah. That's a lot. May I ask for how Long have you been takin as many pills? I take a few
Myself and are always scared they will mess up my stomach (ulcer/bleeding something )

Many I've been taking since my first heart attack in 2007. More since my 2nd heart attack and cancer in 2012.

Positive thoughts