View Full Version : Hit rock bottom tonight

02-09-14, 01:26
Trying to keep this short,

I started having anxiety attacks about 2 years ago. My job heavily involved public speaking on a basis and one day for whatever reason I lost my breath while talking and then it became a self fulfilling prophecy that it would keep happening and it did. I quit that job 2 months later, despite previously being happy and loved it.

Have tried breathing exercises, am on the list for CBT and started propranolol 2 weeks ago. I can't handle stress at all and any little thing sets my anxiety off now. I am moody and twitchy and a shadow of myself, I used to be so joyful.

The beta blockers have worked okay, fewer heart palps but that's about it.

Tonight I was taking a flight, one of my most stressful situations, with my elderly parents who are another trigger for me. They bicker, are demanding and stressful to me.

I cope mainly with my anxiety by being able to get some breathing space alone, being with others doesn't help, so finally after a near attack twice at the airport and me being very hot and about an 8
On the panic scale, I got them
Settled in their disabled seats and went to sit in my own seat alone and started to breathe. Then a cousin of mine jumped out shouting suprise, she was coming to as a surprise for me. The idea of having to make 2 hours of conversation when I needed my space to calm down was too much and I had the worst attack I've ever had in my life, my propranolol tonight may aswell have been pixie dust. I had a full blown panic attack, heart palps and dizzyness and pushed past everyone saying they had to let me off the plane, I needed to get off.

I am now at home and have missed my holiday, I have never felt so low in my life.

02-09-14, 07:19
Wow. I feel for you. I understand needing your own space, my parents are staying with me right now. I wish you all the best.

02-09-14, 11:01
Omg I feel for you I was on the plane with you for a min as it brought back 2005 I ave had anxiety panic now reallly agoraphobic I had been bad for awhile before 2005 mine began at 12 and now 58 still struggling I don't go out t all now any way for a year I had been having counciloring she was really good she got me to think a bit different even though I could not go out on my own still I was going out my sisterin aAustralia paid for me to go see her for my f50th birthday my 18yr old son came a,long with my mum she had been a few times it was my first flight ever any way Birmingham air port first flight WS to Dubai Severn hours well I got through to nearly six hours then had a major panic attack we landed in Dubai for the night next morning we got a flight back home my sister was Devastated so was I never forgave my self. As for the attack on the plane it was so bad I thought I was going to die I slept all the way back next morning so I no how you feel xx

06-09-14, 22:50
Just an update - I took a flight two days later and used some breathing methods and got through it, I am here in Spain and sunburnt :-)

It's a tiny step in the battle, but I wanted to report that wasn't the end for me, I will fight this like any other disease and try to beat this!!!

07-09-14, 06:35
Brilliant, well done