View Full Version : Anxiety CAN be beaten

02-09-14, 13:31
Anxiety can be beaten. I know. I had beaten it. But, like a lot of people on here it has sneaked back and tapped me on the shoulder.
I had beaten it for a few years. That was a monumental achievement for me, I`m talking about 7 or 8 years straight. How did I do it? I kept thinking, "I`m 36. What`s the odds of me having X or Y or Z?" I then took up several hobbies and became somewhat obsessed by them and as irritating as it was to other people to hear me rambling on about certain subjects in detail, the distraction helped me immensely.
Roll on 8 years and I`m heading back down that old road of ruin. My new Girlfriend has no idea that I was the way I was and I have no desire to step back in time.
I think that from a purely psychological perspective the more you operate your brain in a certain arena and in a certain manner you become better at it.
If you learn an instrument having never previously played one you`ll learn how to get the most from it. You`ll quickly understand what to do with it to make the music you want and in the process appreciate the noise coming from it.
Worrying is the same. The more you worry the better you become at it. You have literally trained yourself to be good at worrying.

It CAN be beaten. I know it can. I`m not saying we should all learn something new but if you did and you applied yourself somewhat I can GAURANTEE that even for a short time the anxiety will subside. You might not win the war but you can take the odd battle and that must count for something.
I,m going out a walk. Beats the internet . Hands down. :yesyes:


Female healthanxiety
02-09-14, 14:13
What a great post!

It is very true isn't it - it is so hard to train our brain back to a more perspective view.

Hope you enjoyed your walk! :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

02-09-14, 21:27
Inspiring post Derek.

I agree...it can be beaten! :D

T xx

02-09-14, 22:00
Great Post... they say attitude is everything and you have the RIGHT ATTITUDE!

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it" Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

02-09-14, 22:16
I don't know if "beaten" is the word I would choose. But it damn sure can be managed to such a degree, that it has only a miniscule effect on your life., if any at all (for a time). To emphasize what I mean, I'll turn to something that I read once on Cracked.com (comedy website) some time ago, and it stuck into my mind. It was an article about depression, but it can easily be applied to anxiety as well.

It goes like this:"The point is that when you're depressed, you're in a constant battle with your dumb brain for control of your life. You can win and turn those crappy days around, but you have to know the fight is happening. Don't assume the battle is won, or that there isn't even a battle going on. You may be fighting for the rest of your life."

Don't get hung up on the "rest of your life" part too much, but rather acknowledge the fact, that for some people who have really bad anxiety (and other mental conditions), the lifestyle must be formed in such a way to not even create conditions for the (re)development of these mental issues - which means a proactive life.

02-09-14, 22:31
Well, I had my walk and it went not bad. Was a bit so so to start but when I got back in I felt good. I watched a debate on TV and felt relatively normal.
That was my little battle won as I`m back to my angst as I write this. I haven`t eaten much today and I`m worried by what`s caused my lack of appetite.
Oh well, 2 or 3 hours was good. I`m going to try something else tomorrow.

All the best people.