View Full Version : Is this a faint or a seizure? Have you ever fainted?

02-09-14, 13:54
Hi all, hope all is well, I'm very scared right now and need a chat! :(

I'm 21, and had a terrible experience in the gym for the first time ever, When I got there, I started on the rowing machine and within 2 minutes I gave up and went to sit on a chair,

While sitting, I started to feel

Breathlessness, like there is less air, hot inside, light headed, ears blocked, eyes blurry, white and cloudy, then the next thing I know, I'm on the floor with 2 gym managers with me!

As soon as I woke, I asked what happen, he said I had a fit, but I wasn't shaking, I felt

Stiff neck, and a sensation like my tongue was bitten, I felt tired as well!
A few hours later, I drank water, but I urinated quite more than I usually do when I drink water!

Have you fainted before?
Do you know if these symptoms are seizure (Epilepsy) symptoms or fainting symptoms?

02-09-14, 14:33
Had you eaten before you went to the gym? As working out on little or no energy will make you dizzy and light headed especially combined with the heat in the gym. you probably fainted and might of bitten your tongue also as this can happen. Next time you plan to go to the gym have something light to eat and do a warm up first before exercising and see what happens. Hope this helps xxx

02-09-14, 14:38
Had you eaten before you went to the gym? As working out on little or no energy will make you dizzy and light headed especially combined with the heat in the gym. you probably fainted and might of bitten your tongue also as this can happen. Next time you plan to go to the gym have something light to eat and do a warm up first before exercising and see what happens. Hope this helps xxx

I went to the docs today, I got 2 second opinions saying it was a faint, the gym called just now asking how i'm doing, and he said, I did shake, and was out for a few minutes, and he guaranteed it was a fit!

But at the time, he said I didnt shake and was out for a few seconds!
Thats what I told the docs!

Very scared now and confused!

02-09-14, 20:09
Can anyone talk with me please, i'm still scared! :weep:

02-09-14, 20:23
Hey, I can't really advice on this as such but I would say give your dr a call and tell him you have spoken to someone else at the gym who confirmed you did shake and was out of it. I know of people that have shook a lot after a simple faint though.

How do you feel now in yourself (other than scared)?

02-09-14, 20:32
Hey, I can't really advice on this as such but I would say give your dr a call and tell him you have spoken to someone else at the gym who confirmed you did shake and was out of it. I know of people that have shook a lot after a simple faint though.

How do you feel now in yourself (other than scared)?

Thanks for answering, means a lot, I have told the docs that I did shake, and they still say it was a faint,

Other than scared, I'm feeling like it will happen again, my leg and neck feels saw, and my face feels a bit numb, after it happen yesterday!

Please can you keep talking to me, you don't know how much it helps! :)

03-09-14, 09:11
Hi, my husband had exactly as you describe in the barbers chair. They thought he was fitting and called an ambulance. He said he felt better when he woke up and cancelled the ambulance. It was a cold day and he does a physically hard job, he hadn't eaten all day. He went to the barbers where it was hot and passed out, but said he felt exactly like you beforehand. He got checked at the doctors afterwards and they said sugar may of been low, he was tired and he body just needed a rest. The shaking can come from your bidy trying to sort itself out. He hungry and very tired afterwards so just had a rest. He is fine now and not had another episode since. Please don't worry your body prob just needed a little rest.

08-09-14, 17:00
I hope you're feeling better by now. :)

08-09-14, 18:45
Similar thing happened to me when I was 18. I felt really hot, nauseous and like someone was pressing on my head. I also remember an awful, tight feeling in my stomach. Then things started flashing in front of my eyes and then I passed out. That was just a faint when I was in a very anxious situation and I spent years worrying that it would happen again. It never has so far and that was 25 years ago.

I've never had a seizure but people I've spoken to describe it very differently to you. Trust the docs and remember that it's quite common and can happen for various innocent reasons. Obviously, if it happens again, go back and see your GP.

Take care


09-09-14, 02:57
It could be a dissassociative seizure. Don't worry though right now because these are known to be a possibility for those with anxiety or depression.

Your GP can easily refer you to a neurologist who can perform a very simple check for epilepsy. If he/she says you haven't got that, it could be a dissassociative seizure.

I know someone who has had one of these and he is fine, the neurologist said there was nothing wrong with him and because he had been under a lot of stress, it was this.

As others have said, there could be reasons related to lack of food or hydration that could cause you to pass out. Hard exercise can also do it. I've used rowing machines a fair bit and they can make you feel light headed, so it could be a combination.

The fact you were shaking, and the manager seems to understand it, it is worth pursuing just to rule out epilepsy.

I don't like posting links in the HA forum, but I think this is relevant because of the shaking as this seems to be a lesser known thing with anxiety & depression. I only found out myself because someone I knew suffered one.
