View Full Version : Leukaemia worries

02-09-14, 21:16
I had a full blood count and blood smear done at the end of July (I think) and they came back ok. I remember my Doctor asking me where I was experiencing bruising and saying ones on the trunk are the most concerning. I've now found two bruises above my left breast and am worried. I had a low white blood count and one Doctor suggested redoing the tests in a month to the last. Is the repeat because they think I might develop leukaemia? I'm scared I have. If I had had it would it have been very clear in July?

02-09-14, 22:11
If you had a full blood count and the results came back OK, it is VERY, VERY UNLIKELY that there is anything wrong, and certainly nothing as serious as leukaemia. If your doctor had even suspected anything of the kind, he would not have waited a month to redo the test, of that I am absolutely sure. You would also immediately have been sent for further different tests. Clearly your doctor is not worried at all, so try to put it out of your mind. (Not easy, I know! :) Hugs from Annie