View Full Version : New to all of this and feeling alone.

02-09-14, 23:30
Hey, I've recently been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. I'm not sure what type
But they've put me on 100mg sertraline.
I'm finding life pretty hard and I've recently done a big move from Hampshire to
Cornwall and I have left all my friends behind, none of which even understand what I go through anyways. I'm 24 and have two beautiful children, a son who's 3 months and a daughter who's 2. I'm known for self harming quite regularly and I can't stop, it's my escape.
I have been doing that for years and I have tried to end my life countless of times.
I feel completely alone and just want someone to talk to..
I have a boyfriend, he's great and all, but he just doesn't understand at times.
So that's me, in a nutshell. Take it or leave it.
Rio. xo

03-09-14, 00:03
Sorry to hear of your struggles. I'm new to this too. As a mum, stay strong for their sake. You are their world and no doubt they are yours.
We understand. That's a start x

03-09-14, 07:52
I do try, but when I get into this mind frame I just think they are so much better off without this mess of a mum they have. I love them to pieces and I just want what's best for them. :/

03-09-14, 10:20
Hi rio :)

I suffer from really bad health anxiety, sometimes to the point where I worry and cry so muh I make myself feel sick! I'm feeling really really low at the moment as my boyfriend and mum and dad have gone on holiday today so I am feeling really really alone :(

03-09-14, 13:53
Hi kitten sorry you are on your own.. not good when you feel like you do. I have someone here but feel really as if something going on in my brain . frightening. I think it is very difficult if you have not gone through this. Blessing to you. hopey

06-09-14, 20:26
Welcome to NMP. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.

06-09-14, 20:28
Glad you found us :welcome:

07-09-14, 00:27
Hello, thank you all for your kind words xo

10-09-14, 20:27
Welcome to the forum, hopefully you will find some help and comfort on here. Suffering anxiety with two young kids must be really hard. I have a 7 year old, my anxiety only really got bad when he was a young baby. It got much better once he was over one but i still have lapses...going through one now in fact. He's a good distraction though, and gives me a reason not to hide away in bed. Good luck.

10-09-14, 21:38
What's best for them is you their mother, I know it is hard @ times I to have been there, Take one day at a time and pray to god he does answer prayers. I was really bad a few months ago and with trying to change the way of thinking and focusing on the positive my family my friends, it did get better. God bless you