View Full Version : scary..

24-12-06, 17:14
I just had a really scary experience, and was wondering if anyone else has ever felt anything like it before.

Sometimes, I'll be sitting there and I'll look at something or someone and feel like it's the first time I've seen them.. or kind of like "whoa, what/who the heck is that??" but it only lasts a second and then I'm like "right."

But, today I was sitting here minding my own business and all of a sudden, I felt that way about mySELF. I kind of went "who the heck am I?" It was as if I was seeing ME from somewhere else. It also only lasted a few seconds, but now I'm just.. I feel like I've lost it.

It's been happening more and more lately and it's scaring me.
I've also been feeling kind of sick lately.. scratchy throat, headache and swollen glands and that's been scaring me too because I keep thinking I have cancer of some kind. Plus, I still have my brain tumor symptoms from before which I thought would go away by now.. because I've been on my medication for about two and a half weeks now.. although they're definitely not there as much as before.

ANYWAY, all in all, I'm feeling totally out of it and scared and like I just want to hide this Christmas.

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


24-12-06, 21:03
Happy 24th halfway,
Yes I get those feelings to it is weird.I would forget I am there then I notice myself and not know me.It can happen over anything like I would be cooking and forget that I am cooking just for a second.I nearley set fire to the kitchen once because I forgot what I was doing.I poured water into a frying pan.Or sometimes when going past a mirror I dont reconise me.And look and get a bit freaked out.I dont know what it is.
sorry I am not giving any advise luv kat

27-12-06, 03:52
I get the same feelings. I always have such a hard time explaining them to others. I agree that it is so scary. It is derealization and depersonalization. It is just the brain giving us a break from all the anxiety. It makes us feel like nothing is real. It is giving our minds a rest. Even though I know this I still feel like I am losing my mind. I am here if you ever need to talk.
Take care,

27-12-06, 21:29
You are not going crazy.
It IS scary, as you are not used to feeling this way.
It will NOT harm you.
And it WILL pass.

I used to feel this way a few years ago, and then got better and didnt even think about it. Just recently it has come back again and has made me feel scared again, EVEN though I KNOW it will work out ok.
I am coming to terms with it again though, it just feels like ****.
The only reason it comes on is because of anxiety, if you are not feeling anxious, then the depersonalisation/derealisation does not exist.

This isnt the case when you are actually going crazy though, you dont know you are going crazy, so your fear is understandable but is unfounded and simply perpetuates the cycle of fear.

Divert your thinking, DO something normal, do something to take your mind off it and eventually you will feel much better without realising it.

27-12-06, 22:29

Yep, Im another who gets this. Once I found out what it was it was easier to deal with.

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Keep focused, keep positive. Emma x