View Full Version : Magnesium

03-09-14, 06:58
Hi All,
Firstly many thaks to all of you who read and/or reply to my posts. It is often very reassuring to know people in similar situations.

So my latest drama a few days ago was a sudden onset of a cramp in my left leg. Sore and couldnt walk on it without it being painful. With a history 10 years ago of DVT in my right leg and having been on four flights in three weeks, off I trotted to the doctor who did an ultrasound and bloods and told me I had no DVT and bloods were normal. (Bloods were full blood count, d-dimer and 2 others -cant remember - this was also a big relief because I figured if something else had been going on inside, then it would have shown something up on the full blood count).

So I had muscular spasms. I was talking to two colleagues about it the following day and they both, at different times, suggested magnesium deficiency.

One of them already has it. She gave me a site to look up and I had more or less ALL of the symptoms. It is not life threatening but it makes you tired, unable to sleep, anxious, irritable, gut problems, depression, mental disturbances, palpitations, back pain....the list goes on. Apparently because of the way crops are grown now, the soil is depleted of all magnesium benefits.

You cannot overdose on it if you take the capsules. If you do overdose, the body gets rid of it through diahorrea, then you cut down your dosage.

It is not dangerous. The best way to get magnesium into the system is for it to be absorbed through the skin, not the gut. Magnesium oil is apparently fantastic (although i cant buy it here in UAE) and the best way to replenish your system so I will order online and get it posted out. I bought my capsules yesterday and started them this morning. Epsom salts are another way - bath in them for about 20 minutes twice a week.

I would much rather think of all my symptoms as being a deficiency in something rather than something serious so I am going to give it a go.

The website was wellnessmama. Im all for it!!:)

03-09-14, 07:39
Anxiety does deplete magnesium levels, I can't remember why.

03-09-14, 19:25
No one interested in this or have any experience?

Catherine S
03-09-14, 19:35
Yes, I'm interested Pet, and did a similar thread about this a few months ago and people answered that so perhaps they feel its already been covered. I take the dissolvable fizzy magnesium tablets in water...200mgs each day and they have helped my energy levels and taken the edge off the ectopics, although I do take beta blockers for this too. I also have an underactive thyroid and take low dose levothyroxine for this too, but the magnesium has made a big difference to me to be honest :)


03-09-14, 20:33
From what I understand, will it make your anxiety to away? No. Will it make some of your physical symptoms go away? Quite possibly.

03-09-14, 20:37
I use Epsom salts in my bath and find them very beneficial.