View Full Version : Spot on breast and swelling on upper left arm, health anxiety!!

03-09-14, 10:37
Hi everyone

I am new to this site as I am feeling more alone than ever as my boyfriend and mum and dad have just left for holiday and I feel really lonely and upset. I am waiting for an ultra sound appointment on a slight swelling that I have on my upper left arm I am worried it is due to my lymph nodes and I have recently developed a spot on my breast which I am concerned about too! My worst nightmare is cancer and everything I have I think is cancer!

Please help me out and reply as I am feeling really down and alone right now.


03-09-14, 11:43
Hi, I know it feels scary when you are alone, especially when you are anxious. Have you got somebody you can call to distract yourself? You don't need to explain how you are feeling, sometimes changing the subject can really help. Lymph node fear is extremely common as you would see on here and I'm sure there are a lot of people on the site that understands. Wishing you heaps of luck with the ultrasound, I'm sure you will be fine xx

03-09-14, 11:57
Hi klg thank you so much for the reply. I am only 21 and I feel so silly at times, my boyfriend is almost like my comfort blanket at night time when I worry the most and when he's not here I don't know what I am going to do. I can't stop crying :( My ultrasound is none urgent so the hospital said it can take up to 6 weeks to come through, and I will keep an eye on the spot and see how that goes as it only appeared last night. I hate being the way I am and just wish I wasn't feeling so alone right now.


03-09-14, 12:06
Hi Kitten, have you been to your doctor, and explained about your anxious feelings? Maybe asked to be referred for CBT, the problem you have is anxiety about your health.

03-09-14, 12:11
Hi Primula, yes I am waiting for my CBT sessions to come through I had an initial session the other day and I am awaiting CBT appointments. The problem is I know the way I am however I just can't help myself! I also feel like waiting for CBT is a long time and I feel really down and anxious at the moment not in a few weeks time if you know what I mean? That is why I have come onto this forum as I feel so down right now :(

03-09-14, 12:15
I understand. Have a look at this online course, you may find it helpful whilst you wait for the CBT. http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

03-09-14, 12:19
Thank you I will have a look at that. It's quite funny as the healthy minds who deal with my CBT have just rang and asked about some group support whilst I wait for my CBT to come through.