View Full Version : optical migraine??

24-12-06, 18:46

ive just had an optical migrane, i get them when im stressed or sometimes at the time of the month, i havent had 1 since the summer but just wondered if any1 else gets them, i get a funny eye, then it goes all flicky then that goes away then i get a banging headache, does any1 know if this is how they happen, im tempted to google but im really gonna try not to.

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

24-12-06, 21:57
yup sounds like a migraine too me , they can vary quite a bit but visual problems are common , either blurring pain , flashing lights shapes and light sensitivity can all happen.
bb natty

24-12-06, 23:34
Hi I get them too, usually due to food. I cant have coffee, red wine, white chocolate and certain cheeses!

I'm not sure why they happen, but someone once told me that when you get the start of one, take some painkillers with a sugary fizzy drink like lemonade as it helps the tablets to get into your bloodstream quicker! I dont know if this is complete nonsense but it would do no harm.

I wouldnt bother googling. They arent serious. However if you are using any hormonal contraceptive and are having migraines I would recommend seeing your GP and letting them know.


"Smile Like You Mean It"

25-12-06, 03:58
caffeine helps to get the meds to work quicker and also helps in its own right surprisingly enough , my neurologist reccomended taking my meds with a cup of coffee when possible.

bb natty

25-12-06, 12:08
Hi Leanne

Only ever had two myself and both at Christmas. Not sure why - probably after all the stress of the pre-Christmas build-up. I see like a pulsing black and white shape in the centre of my vision and then get a headache for afters. Neither came to anything and I was ok by the end of the day so don't worry and above all - don't google. :o)

Enjoy you day - you're amongst friends on here.


26-12-06, 09:38
hiya every1

thanks for replying, its wierd coz i was drinking a glass of red wine when my eyes started to feel wierd, maybe it was that.

thanks again u r all great

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

26-12-06, 15:49
Hi Leanne,
I get migraines too. Usually when I am really stressed. First part of my vision is lost and I start to see flickering. I have to then take advil migraine liquid gels and go right to bed. It can be really scary even though I know what they are. I have gotten them while at school and work and don't know how I managed to get home. I could barely see, but had no one to pick me up. I always worry now that I will get them while I am out and won't have anyone with me. I just try to remember that worrying about them will only make it worse, but that's what I do best lol.
Take care,