View Full Version : yet another chest problem

03-09-14, 12:00
basically i have had anxiety around my heart since i was 19 (now nearly 40)

have been for so many ECG's and latest MRI was clear last month

anyway quite often i have no symptoms then BANG for a few day/weeks ni have chest discomfort (usually no reason but a friend had a HA last week at early age) and now i cant cope properly

i mean over all im fine but i do smoke and drink but im approx 9 stone and walk everywhere, i also childmind regularly

i just cant seem to shake how i feel and hubby is getting so frustrated he even took me to walk in chemist for BP yesterday which for me was reasonably low 100/70

im just at my wits end and advice would be greatly appreciated

03-09-14, 18:52
anyone as it feels worse

even got a pain when taking rubbish to the bin

03-09-14, 19:01
i've been worried about the same thing for about 4 years now. i often get twinges, palpitations etc. ive had numerous ECGs and a chest ultrasound, X-ray, all clear. anything on the television, or the paper heart related will make me consious of my heart and start my anxiety off. you are not alone.

03-09-14, 20:17
thanks james

its the symptoms without the anxiety that get to me the most