View Full Version : Rapid weight loss !

03-09-14, 12:02
Ok so about 6 weeks ago I weighed in at 9.12 I'm 5.2 so maybe getting a bit chunky... U had an argument with a person I have became close to an lost some weight went to 9.7 maybe stress related I thought... However I am in thailand on holiday and I weigh a grand total of 8.8 !!!! Haven't weighed this since I was about 17/18 an to be honest it's not a very good look on me I tend to lose weight on my arms an chest area so I look really crap but still have a pot belly ! I am really worried about this weight loss as it is dramatic ... I can't get to a doctor till I get home on Monday morning. The past 3-4 days iv had a really off tummy aswell with diarrhea (sorry tmi) but not vomiting or nausea so not food poisoning. Guess I'm just seeking reassurance here

03-09-14, 12:07
It could be that the diarhorea is causing the weight loss combined with a different diet over in Thailand and the heat - sweat causes weight loss.
My brother did three months in SE Asia and lost a fair bit of weight cause of the change in diet etc.
Go see your doc to check all is okay but I reckon a combination of stress and other factors is causing it.

I lost a fair bit of weight since I moved but just didn't realise how much my diet has changed and I was exercising more :) - it's something you probably wouldn't notice at all unless you had HA!!


03-09-14, 12:09
Yes I agree, probably anxiety. I've lost a fair amount of weight over the past few months, because I'm not that interested in food, and what I do eat is being used up by my nervousness.

03-09-14, 15:38
Hey thanks for replies ... I deffo would of noticed this weight loss if I was anxious or not cos its over a stone ! Lot of a weight for someone who is 5.2 really. I have thought it was all the sweating .. It's a very sweat inducing country !! Iv only been here 11 days tho .. I dunno I guess I just really want to go home now xx