View Full Version : Eating with Anxiety

03-09-14, 13:02
Hi All,

It's been a long time since I have been on here, but I remember everyone's support and advice was greatly appreciated when I was going through a bad time, so I thought I would just ask a question about eating with anxiety.

I'm having a blip with anxiety, I've had a few over the past 5 years, and each time I stop eating, I know from previous experience that the feeling to eat will come back, usually it takes about a week for the nausea feeling to subside.

Do other people go off their food with anxiety? Or do you carry on eating as normal? It's been 5 days now without a proper meal, it doesn't bother me as I eat a huge amount of Bananas a day (seems to be the only thing I can keep down) and I believe they are good for anxiety sufferers.

On the plus side, I'm off to Egypt next week, my clothes may now fit me:yesyes: