View Full Version : Canadian newbie!

03-09-14, 17:20
Hi everyone,
I am a 35 year old female living in cold Canada.
I have been suffering from general anxiety for as long as I can remember, but everything came to a halt when I turned 13. OCD was diagnosed and doctors started me on Prozac... Bad move! That started the snowball of meds/psychiatric hospital rolling. Since then, I have been on over 25 different meds, and have been hospitalized 8 times.
I have finally freed myself from that world. I have been off all kind of medication(except the occasional Ativan when it's really rough) since 2009.
Medical professionals consider me to "high functioning" which is true, but I still suffer DAILY!!!! It's a hard knock life for me most of the time. I do try to make the best of it though, and ride the waves that come my way. I am a full time student now (had been away from the school system for 18 years :homy: ). I am doing a bachelor degree Major in Psychology/ Minor in Drama. It's fun and engaging, but it does not come without it's daily struggles.
ANXIETY is a constant in my life! I feel the need for some support coping, but I also feel like I can bring guidance to other sufferers because of my life experiences.
Looking forward to chatting with you all!

03-09-14, 18:20
Welcome to NMP. Well done getting off the meds, I did the same a year ago and now, whatever ups and downs I have, it's all me - no artificial additives. I wish you all the best.

03-09-14, 18:27
Welcome here and thank you for giving me hope.

03-09-14, 18:41
welcome to NMP, you are with friends on here. all the best