View Full Version : kidney scarring...twinges in back!

03-09-14, 18:23
i've had an ultrasound about a year ago as regards my kidneys...my old Dr about 3 years ago decided it would be a good idea to give me an mot as i suffer with panic disorder so they put me onto the hospital hypertension clinic and because i have had 2 kidney infections when i was 2 and again when i was 7 it was decided to look at them they discovered that the kidney on my left side is 3cm smaller and is scarred and that the artery to it is narrow. they said that they would keep an eye on it. anyway they have got back to me to ask if i had a follow up renal angiogram at the time, i said no they had not so anyway the other week they wrote me another letter to tell me that they have booked me for the renal angiogram in november and that they have written to my GP to let him know and that He has to book me in for a blood test. i get twinges in my back and it is really giving me bad anxiety. im nearly 2 weeks into taking venlafaxine for anxiety and deppression and i feel panicy anyway. sorry to go on but i thought i would share my story.:weep:

04-09-14, 17:24
has anyone else on here had anything similar?

05-09-14, 00:05
I get back spasms sometimes. Don't worry the doctor is watching it and your other kidney is fine.

05-09-14, 09:45
I had flank pain in my right side a couple of months ago. Went to GP and it was found I had a small amount of blood in my urine. After a few more tests, the blood persisted so I went for a renal and UT ultrasound and x-ray of my kidneys which showed nothing. A follow up urine test showed there was still microscopic amounts of blood in my urine as well as protein. There were no tumours nor kidney stones and the culture of the urine showed no signs of a UTI.
Doctor said to re-test in a month, which I did on Monday and it was found that the blood has disappeared.
I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes things just happen. The flank pain I had subsided.
My flank pain was probably unrelated to the blood and the doctor said it could have been the result of a very nasty virus I had a few weeks prior. Your back spasms are common and you are being well looked after by your medical team so it appears.
You'll be fine.