View Full Version : Does Anxiety affect Memory?

03-09-14, 20:49
I have noticed I have had trouble remembering certain stuff. My basic Memory is good; like the brainer stuff, but I can't seem to remember the name of someone who I have just met or the name of a Film or Actor.
Is this Anxiety or going Senile? I can remember a lot of stuff and I clearly remember what I was doing this morning/yesterday and last week, but I have a thing trying to remember people's names. :ohmy:

03-09-14, 20:56
Well we. Both going senile then lol I am same but j might be even worse my mind sometimes that focused on my problem ie what wrong with me today I in a trance and start one job and then another with out thinking like I cont rember doing it but the name thing is the worst xxx

03-09-14, 22:24
Well I took about five minutes to remember what I ate this afternoon and I'm only 22 haha! Although I'm completely absent minded I'm constantly forgetting things. Not looking good for when I'm older!

04-09-14, 00:19
Got news for ya... memory issues is just part of being ummm... what is it?... wait... ahhh yes... human ;)

Positive thoughts that I remember even with chemo brain! ~lol~

04-09-14, 00:31
Thought for a minute you was going to say age! :D

04-09-14, 04:27
Anxiety does have memory issues as a symptom.

However, if you suspect an issue with memory loss, you could read the info on memory loss based illnesses and go from there.

Did you know that Mindfulness helps to improve memory? Professor Mark Williams mentions this in one of his books on it. So, thats yet another good thing it can help with.

04-09-14, 11:50
What is strange about my Memory is the fact that I can remember telephone numbers, car registration numbers, addresses, basically anything with figures including adding up in my head. But, I can't remember the name of someone I met in the street or a name of some Actor in a film. It's really weird. I also play the piano and I play from memory and not sheet music and that has not been affected. Maybe it's a certain part of the Brain that has been affected. :ohmy:

05-09-14, 04:41
There are different forms of memory.

Playing instruments comes under Procedural Memory because you will have learned to play the notes, in that order. I used to play keyboards when I was younger and I can recall that my fingers knew what they were doing, whether they knew the notes to play or whether they knew what the note entailed doing.

Visual Memory covers visual experiences and the storing of their characteristics which includes people, places, objects, animals, etc.

I think the numbers would fall under Semantic Memory which are facts taken independent of context.

Semantic & Visual Memory fit under Declaritive Memory. Declaritive Memory requires conscious recall.

Everything ultimately fits into a division of Recognition or Recall memory.

05-09-14, 22:15
Wow! Thanks MyNameIsTerry.
That was really informative and interesting.
I think I might look in to this subject in more detail.

06-09-14, 00:12
I have difficult remembering the names of people I've only met a couple of times. I don't think that's entirely unusual. As for actors, I always have that experience of seeing an actor in a movie but not remembering their name or what else they've been in (thank goodness for IMDB :)).

06-09-14, 03:56
No worries Carnation, there are diagrams for memory that you could start with, just Google it and you will find loads on it.

I know what you mean anthrokid! I've had that with faces in films that I just couldn't put a name to.

I know in my case, my anxiety caused me to struggle a bit with putting names to faces when I had always been very good that way. Another thing I noticed is that I would struggle to find the right word, when again in the past it was never an issue.

06-09-14, 12:12
I will Google it too. thanks Terry :)