View Full Version : Mom's elevated GGT level

04-09-14, 11:52
Her blood test results are in, and her GGT level is 73. The max range the lab gave us is 36. Her SGPT and SGOT are all in normal range though. Needless to say, I'm freaking out over this. I'm so worried I just feel like crying. Going to see the doctor tomorrow, but I'm dreading the appointment. I just feel like a selfish person, I should be strong for her and calm her down and here I am worrying. She's probably worried too, but she doesn't really show it.

She did have some pulled muscles on her thigh last week though, and a few days ago she took some painkillers. They took her blood yesterday. I don't know if that could contribute to the elevated GGT cos the other liver panels are okay.

I'm just so worried and end up snapping at her. I can't explain but when I'm scared about someone sometimes I get angry cos I feel hopeless inside.


04-09-14, 12:08
Does she drink alcohol?

04-09-14, 12:12
Right, I forgot to mention that. No, she doesn't drink, at all. Which naturally makes me more worried cos I know the usual culprit for elevated GGT is alcohol.

04-09-14, 12:20
I wish I knew more about this to provide comfort on an experienced level. Did she eat before the blood tests? Sometimes even eating could raise some of them xx You're also not selfish, you're a human with great empathy and capacity for love. :hugs:

05-09-14, 04:13
Thank you for your kind words, wnsos :hugs:

Saw mom's regular internist today and he wasn't concerned about it. Said that it went up and down all the time. Also said the painkillers mom took could cause the elevation. He did order a repeat blood test in a month though, so... fingers crossed.

Can breathe a bit easier now, but I'll most definitely be worried again when the retesting is coming closer *gulps*

06-04-18, 06:26
Oh god, 4 years later and I'm back here.

Long story short, the elevated GGT never really resolved and we don't know what's causing it. I feel like the doctor wasn't really concerned because the other numbers were good and my mom had no symptoms. Anyway, she got tested again yesterday and it was 144! The other liver panels are within range. I should mention that back in 2015 her GGT was around 120. Again, normal numbers for the other tests, they also tested her alkaline phosphastase back then which came out normal.

Not sure if related, but back in 2014 she had a bad episode of gastroentritis and her liver panel went out of whack. Her GGT even went up to 294. After she recovered, the ALT and AST went back to normal but the GGT never did.

She does take regular meds for cholesterol and high BP (and I read that statins could affect liver enzymes), and occassionally take herbal medicines and green tea.

We're going to the doctor tomorrow and I'm dreading it. My mom is totally cool and chill about it and meanwhile I'm shaking inside. I Googled (of course) and found some people with high GGT who were alright and without disease, but it's hard to focus on the good stories when you're anxious. They'll probably will want to do an ultrasound for further test.

Gosh I so don't want to go tomorrow but I know I can't be selfish and let my fear keep me from accompanying her. Please send good thoughts our way?

06-04-18, 09:18
Lots of people have an isolated raised GGT - it doesn’t usually mean anything significant. High lipids can do it. Is your mum overweight? That can cause it. Loads of medications do it too. The fact that it has only increased slightly in 4 years is also reassuring - it’s unlikely to be anything dramatic. If the doctors sren’t Worried I think you should try to put it out of your head if at all possible.

06-04-18, 09:47
Hello Emc, thanks for your reply. She is a bit overweight, but not much. I wouldn't say her diet is the best, although it's not very bad either. Let's just say she likes good food, although stays away from anything sweet because of diabetes history in the family.

It's 3 and a half years, not 4 years, my bad. I just counted. But I do hope it's long enough time like you said. Thanks again for your reply, I needed to hear that.