View Full Version : Two months in, starting to feel even MORE different

04-09-14, 12:17
I've had an anxiety disorder for around two months now and it's been quite hellish with my symptoms shifting often and leading me to constantly question myself. I've always been obsessed with music but a week ago I became conscious of music being stuck in my head and now it's constant, even when I'm sleeping.

My sleeps have been very light and my dreams rather vivid/lucid for the past few weeks thanks to anxiety, but this week I barely seem to sleep at all. It seems more like I'm in a mild trance than a deep sleep, and I seem to wake too early. On top of this, my way of thinking seems to have changed. My train of thought seems very fragmented and messy, with odd thoughts often popping up out of nowhere.

I thought I'd experienced the worst of this horrid mental affliction but it just keeps getting worse, which is doing nothing to ease my fear of psychosis/schizophrenia/bipolar. Have any seasoned anxiety veterans experienced what I'm going through right now? I started CBT yesterday but I wish I'd done it sooner.

05-09-14, 16:54
Yes I can experience that. If I've become sleep deprived I can feel extra stimulated and need less paradoxically need less sleep.

It's not un pleasant but it is a bit weird and trance like. At night part if my mind seems to stay awake and be aware despite another part of my mind clearly being in a half sleep meaning time flies by. I just never feel like my mind 100% turned off all night.

It usually goes when I start to get lots of sleep again.

I think it's running on adrenalin, over stimulation or something. I don't think it's psychosis.

Eat plenty of carbs through the evening and try and have a long deep sleep.