View Full Version : Update - Around 2 Months On

04-09-14, 14:05
Hi all, hope you are all well.

Some of you may have been reading my posts about my travel anxiety and generally having a bad patch the last few months. I was on Citalopram 20mg for around 8 years and was starting to find they were having no effect so I went to the GP and he tried me on Setraline. I had some bad advice and came off Citalopram suddenly and started Setraline and felt awful for around 2-3 weeks where I could hardly go out, was sleeping non stop and having palpitations.

I had enough and went back to GP and decided that upping to 40Mg Citalopram and taking Propanlol 40mg when needed was the way to go. I only take Propanalol when about to travel or go out for more than a few hours.

Anyway, some positive news - I feel so much better. No palpitations, appetite is good, stomach pain I had non stop has decreased and my mood is so much better - I am doing things and going out!

Last weekend I left home at 7am and was home at 10pm on a day trip to Brighton and although I felt nervous when going out once out and with the person I was meeting I forgot about everything and had lunch, drinks, went to football and travelled on 3 trains and 2 tubes without any problems at all - I was so happy to do this and this weekend I am out again. I simply take my Citalopram in the morning when I get up and pop a Propanalol about 15 mins before leaving home and carry water, propanalol and paracetamol with me just in case but I have not used them once!

I am not saying I am recovered but I also have my first CBT session next Thursday so with the medication in check and CBT lined up I am making good progress. I still don't think I could do a trip overseas yet but one step at a time is all I am doing and I am proud to be making progress.

There is hope for everyone, it is about finding the support, getting your medication balance right and trying to remain positive.

From being almost home bound 2 months ago in a depressive state I am now wanting to go out and socialise - not felt like this for ages, I just hope I do no relapse and I can make progress on a daily basis.

04-09-14, 14:17
Bless I m on my fifth week of sertaline I did try cit in Feb and HD a massive panic attack ended up in a&e and I ave suffer anxiety panic and graphobia which is at its worst I did go out with people now I don't any were tried so many things over my forty six years this year is first time on meds its gt to give me some peace surely any way started on 12.5 then 25 then 37.5 now on 50 this week but had a bloody panic attack last night so now I am scared of taking I have no idea what's the best time to take it some say night some say morning I have to stick with it as I really want a life I have feared death since 12years old now 59 so I fear dying now not having lived xxxx

04-09-14, 15:22
That's really great Matt because I remember reading about how much you were struggling. Keep on going :D