View Full Version : Lymphoma worries

04-09-14, 15:41
Hey all, for the last few months my health anxiety has been extremely high. At the start of the summer i thought i had Leukemia, which led me to having a blood test a couple of months ago which came back normal. I felt pretty good after that until i developed an itch on my body after getting sunburnt. It has been almost 2 months now and i still seem to be itching, though admittedly not as much. What worries me is that there is no rash and my skin doesnt really seem dry, which after a google search has led me to thinking i may have lymphoma. I went to the doctor last week who i got to check my lymph nodes and gave me some reassurance, saying that its the anxiety that i should address and the itching would probably stop after.

The only triggers i have found seem to be:
-After showers
-When im hot, especially if im anxious or out in the sun.
- It seems to happen during mild exercise, just before i start sweating, since when i do hard exercise like cycling i dont notice any itching, even for hours afterwards.

Im hoping that some of you may have shared a similar experience, and that once again i am just focusing so hard on this one symptom as another form of anxiety!