View Full Version : Terrified - having MC don't want to go to hospital

04-09-14, 16:03
I'm currently in the middle of having a miscarriage which seems to be taking a while to decide if it's ending or not. Was hoping to avoid hospital because i hate the place and I'm petrified they are going to find that I have horrible underlying health problems that Ididn't know about but I have to go in tomorrow for a scan. Everybody is telling me to stop being silly but I can't help it. It's so crap having Health anxiety and no rational thoughts x

04-09-14, 16:05
What's an MC?

04-09-14, 16:20
Sorry - miscarriage. X

04-09-14, 16:22
You should be at a hospital! I don't expect anyone would advise otherwise. Please do so!

Positive thoughts

04-09-14, 16:27
Not in england fishman they don't give a dam you can have your misscarrige at home and if your lucky you mite get a d&c and I mean lucky I no women that had to suffer misscarrige bleeding for weeks and weeks before taking them in you near enough have your babies on way in and the minute you had them they more or less give you your coat antinatal care is a joke the whole NHS is a mess xx

04-09-14, 16:28
Then go to A&E for goodness sakes! A miscarriage is not something to take lightly regardless of the NHS run things!

Positive thoughts

04-09-14, 16:30
Trust me Cambrian you won't b there long xxx

04-09-14, 16:31
I know my mum had three, and all three resulted in her being an in-patient. Get yourself to hospital, or at the very least call 111.

04-09-14, 16:32
What trish says is right they'll just send you back home , why don't you ring the nhs help line ask them for advice ? And I'm so sorry hugs

04-09-14, 16:39
I am right go to a&e thy will give you some meds to help with bleeding prob xxxtold you the NHS is. Joke they won't keep you thy won't have. Bed trust me xx

04-09-14, 18:30
Hiya - thanks for replies. Didn't mean to worry anybody - This is my third official mc so not necessarily panicking about that aspect- just getting worked up about going to hospital and the scans etc..
In the UK we have a watch and wait method Fishmanpa because often there's nothing that can be done with early mc - I'm 6 weeks at a push and been bleeding for a week . ( sorry if TMI) . They try to be an non invasive as poss which I prefer. Unfortunately this one seems to be causing me a bit iof grief so best go in and check it's not ectopic ( I've has a tubal Preg before). I feel silly getting worked up about it when I know people are going I to hospital for a lot worse but I just hate the whole thing and process :( x

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:27 ----------

What trish says is right they'll just send you back home , why don't you ring the nhs help line ask them for advice ? And I'm so sorry hugs

Thanks Cags48 - have a lovely female doc who I we been speaking to ( twice today). Will just have to suck it up and get in with it :)

04-09-14, 21:00
I'm sorry for your loss. I had a mc in Feb and I was so worried about going to hospital too because I'm scared of getting a general aesthetic and was really worried about having to have a D&C. As it was, I mc naturally. I have to say the care I got from the epu was amazing. I couldn't fault the NHS, they were great.

04-09-14, 21:17
I'm sorry for your loss. I had a mc in Feb and I was so worried about going to hospital too because I'm scared of getting a general aesthetic and was really worried about having to have a D&C. As it was, I mc naturally. I have to say the care I got from the epu was amazing. I couldn't fault the NHS, they were great.

Thanks Cattia - I'm the same - just hoping it's all resolving naturally and no need for ops etc.. X

04-09-14, 21:23
I had no choice was rushed in had hemarage don't no how to spell it but had to be put on a drip etc XXX

---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

And was give in a d&c x

04-09-14, 23:13
I had to have a d and c coz my body wudnt get rid of the baby :( don't let yourself go thro this for much longer admit yourself to hospital and take care x

04-09-14, 23:23
I had 4 miscarriages and was admitted to hospital with 3 of them. One was only 6 weeks and I didn't bother going to the hospital with that one. The 3 I was admitted with were 12 and 14 weeks. I am really sorry you are going through this. If you are feeling worse please call NHS direct. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

05-09-14, 00:00
I had a miscarriage too. Went to A & E, they told me my Baby was dead, then sent me home. Went back a couple of days later. Had D & C, sent home an hour later. And that was that. Very cold and callous. Was back at work in the morning. Good Ol' Britain!

05-09-14, 00:02
I'm sorry that you lovely ladies had to experience such loss.

07-09-14, 19:26
Just thought I would update - went to early Preg clinic and turns out I had another ectopic/tubal Preg - same tube as first one in 2012. Ended up having emergency surgery to remove it and an overnight stay in hospital. Have to say the team looking after me have been lovely and especially understanding of my complete fear of hospitals and anything health related. Note to self tho - next time don't leave it so long to get checked out!!

08-09-14, 09:42

I've also had 4 mc's - one from IVF. I've also been to the recurrent mc clinic and had more tests than I can count. I can honestly say that every single one of those tests was fine (not the result so much, but at least we then knew what we were dealing with). Most of the tests are blood tests and the others are scans. I've also had a laproscopy (again, fine and was back at work in a few days). It's better to know what you are dealing with than risk having another mc.

Have you come across a website called "fertility friends" - there's loads of advice and support there, for mc, investigations and treatment... and its great (but also sad) to realise that so many women are going through similar.

Please pm me if you want to talk/ask questions.

All the best

Space xxx

08-09-14, 12:51
Just thought I would update - went to early Preg clinic and turns out I had another ectopic/tubal Preg - same tube as first one in 2012. Ended up having emergency surgery to remove it and an overnight stay in hospital. Have to say the team looking after me have been lovely and especially understanding of my complete fear of hospitals and anything health related. Note to self tho - next time don't leave it so long to get checked out!!

So sorry to hear of your misfortune. Glad you're Ok! And see?... Don't mess around with something like this. Let's hope there's not a "next time"!

Positive thoughts

08-09-14, 15:57
I'm really sorry for your loss :weep: x

12-09-14, 18:10

I've also had 4 mc's - one from IVF. I've also been to the recurrent mc clinic and had more tests than I can count. I can honestly say that every single one of those tests was fine (not the result so much, but at least we then knew what we were dealing with). Most of the tests are blood tests and the others are scans. I've also had a laproscopy (again, fine and was back at work in a few days). It's better to know what you are dealing with than risk having another mc.

Have you come across a website called "fertility friends" - there's loads of advice and support there, for mc, investigations and treatment... and its great (but also sad) to realise that so many women are going through similar.

Please pm me if you want to talk/ask questions.

All the best

Space xxx

Thanks Space - that's v kind and thank u for the website suggestion. I'm doing ok I think at the moment and just glad my cramp tube is out. Finding the healing process physically a bit of a challenge in that I worry all the time about blood clots. This is despite the fact tjst I'm healing really well abd was walking pretty much straight after the operation. Be glad when this is a distant memory x

12-09-14, 20:00
I am so sorry!!! Prayers!!!!

12-09-14, 20:50
I am so sorry!!! Prayers!!!!

Thanks Leslie x