View Full Version : feel at breaking point

04-09-14, 18:50
Hi there everyone, I'm currently going through a massive ordeal of anxiety and need some advice on it all.

I start college again for my second year and my best friend has left college. I don't really speak to many other people, so I feel like it's going to be a huge ordeal all year having to deal with college with noone or forcing myself to make friends with people who don't have the same interests in me, or having awkward moments that I have had so many times. I used to enjoy college but this will just put me into a depressive phase that I had when i first started college because of the new change.

Also, my ocd thoughts have been at an all time high lately. i feel like i'm cursed. nothing ever goes right for me or my family, and i feel like when i have really negative and horrible intrusive thoughts, i feel like they are going to happen and that bad things are going to happen, and if i have a good thought i feel like i am jynxing it and something bad will happen to bring me down.

also, life at home is a nightmare at the moment, because there are a ton of kids on my road who are always playing football and causing trouble. my brother and dad tell them to move on etc. but I always feel like because they actually stand up to them that they feel the need to wind us up. at some times there are lots of kids, this may sound silly and minor to you all but it's distressing because it's all the time, balls bouncing, kids lurking around our house, it makes me so paranoid that they have plans to cause havoc or trouble for us or even damage our property. i feel powerless aswell, and it irks my dad and brother too and it's becoming so hard that it feels like it's affecting our day, and i hate to see them upset.

all this is building up on me and making me feel like an absolute wreck, my mind is full of horrid thoughts and paranoid anxiety thoughts at the moment and i feel so down. how can i lift myself up? what can i even do?

sorry if this is long, thanks for reading.