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25-12-06, 09:04
Tis the Season of Joy! It's Christmas Day.... hooray !!

The Inlaws are due to arrive ......[:P]
The topic of conversation will be Spitfire aircraft & his Vauxhall car [8)][Sigh...]
Never mind, there will be a short respite for the Queens speech.
Maybe I'll down a few beers and drift into my own fantasy world, surrounded by suitably attired lovlies?

Merry Christmas from the Christmas Support Hotline .....Heeeelp !:D

25-12-06, 12:26
Hey Dave Merry Christmas

Ellen XX

26-12-06, 17:17
Lol Dave. xxx

Take Care


27-12-06, 06:53
Hey Dave777!!!
Hope you had a good Christmas after such an early morning (yawn)!
Remember me? I was still up at 6am.... [|)]
Well, after having a quick snooze I went to my Mum's for lunch and we had the usual gift exchange, which was all rather lovely. My boyfriend kept saying he wanted to leave which was a little disappointing, and I thought he was acting a bit strange..... but then later he proposed to me and gave me a beautiful engagement ring!!! YAY!
So that's what happened to me on Christmas day. LOL :D