View Full Version : Having a bad day :-(

04-09-14, 22:14
Woke up this morning feeling pretty good, has been my day off
of work and I had a busy and productive morning.
I've been in a great mood, but it feels with me, with every high there is soon a low.
I treated myself to a massage today and on the way there my mind was going crazy, thinking really really in depth about random things, like the way our body works, the world, space and all the terrible things that are going on in the world at the moment, I started to freak out. My mind was making no sense and I managed to calm myself down before I got to my appointment.
I managed to relax into my massage and felt good for about an hour.
I've had dinner and sat down to watch the tv with my husband and felt on edge with the "crazy whirling" brain for the last few hours.
I have now come up to bed and cried my eyes out completely and utterly fed up, I just don't want this in my life, I feel like the old me is slowly disappearing and being replaced with someone else.
Sorry for the depressing rant, I just feel a bit beaten down by it all today :-(
Anyone else ever feel like this?

04-09-14, 22:22
I had many days like this and it took a while for me to feel better but I am now in a much better place. Just over a year ago i really felt like life wasn't worth living if I was going to feel like that all the time. Like a lot of illnesses it can take time to recover but you can get better. Every time a negative thought pops into your head try to change it to a positive.
You had many positives today didn't you?
You had a busy and productive morning
You got to your massage
You managed to relax
After all of that you have probably tired yourself out which always increases anxiety.
Give yourself a pat on the back for all that you HAVE achieved today and try to get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is another day :) Make sure you look for all the positives in it :)

04-09-14, 22:25
Yes, positives do help. I also feel better if I have achieved something that day.
If I have done nothing, I always feel worse.

04-09-14, 22:27
That describes most days for me!

Absolutely fine one moment, productive, even upbeat for the sake of other people... then everything turns upside down and I can't cope. Then I plough on. Then I can't cope again.

You're not alone.