View Full Version : Keep seeing the time 11:11???

04-09-14, 22:19
I've been meaning to find out about this weird thing I have been experiencing. I keep seeing the time 11:11 on clocks and watches; even in the car. What does it mean. At first, I felt it was a bad warning of something about to happen. I looked up on the net and there are several explanations for this. All weird.
Has anyone else experienced something like this?

04-09-14, 22:21
Yes, I know someone who always saw 11:32

04-09-14, 23:46
How bizarre!
What were some if the explanations?

04-09-14, 23:52
One site said that when something like this appears like; 11:11, 12:12, 10:10 and so on. It is a gateway to the Spirit world where you can communicate with them.
Another Site said it is a sign to let you know that you are a living Angel.
And another site said it is do to do with psychic powers and there was another one to do with meditation. Some Sites were very obscure, so I am none the wiser. :ohmy:

05-09-14, 00:29
I used to wake up at exactly the same each time each night and look at the clock and it was always the same time... happened for about 2 weeks everynight.

I am still alive so it wasn't a bad omen, I am not an angel :noangel: I am pretty sure it is just one of those things and the more you start to notice things the more strange it will seem and then the more you will look for things

05-09-14, 00:41
Yep, you could be right. That is the more logical explanation.:D

05-09-14, 05:12
It could be a sign that its time to wake up, often associated with a kind of annoying buzzing noise coming from somewhere...:D

Could it be that you have in some way acknowledged it and then kept noticing it more, when in reality you notice all the other times just as much? Or that you have noticed something else at that time that you have placed some level of emotional connection on thus creating a synchronicity?

05-09-14, 07:16
I get this occasionally. I go through phases of different sleep patterns. I can sleep soundly every night for 2 weeks, I don't sleep at all then I get nights when I wake up every morning at exactly the same time. 3 mornings this week I woke up & it was 4.21 every time!!! I think it's odd my body knows how to do that but I just have to put it down to coincidence.

05-09-14, 13:19
I used to have that happen (and still have seasons where it happens) often both am and pm for several years. 11:11 was my number as well, and a dear friend said time to start making a wish each time it happens. Now when I see 11:11, I immediately think of making of wish….it is a cool, positive thing in my book. :)

05-09-14, 17:57
I used to always see 12:34 when I was a school kid! I suppose there's some sort of internal body clock explanation for it, or pure coincidence.

05-09-14, 18:15
I think it's the symmetry. You probably see the exact same time on clocks all the time but you don't notice because 16:32 or whatever isn't very memorable. But times that repeat (11:11) or times that have counting association (12:34) are memorable so you notice when you see them, allowing for the illusion that you are seeing them more often than other times, when in reality you are not.

Confirmation bias :)

05-09-14, 18:30
I think it's the symmetry. You probably see the exact same time on clocks all the time but you don't notice because 16:32 or whatever isn't very memorable. But times that repeat (11:11) or times that have counting association (12:34) are memorable so you notice when you see them, allowing for the illusion that you are seeing them more often than other times, when in reality you are not.

Confirmation bias :)

That's probably the best (if not, correct) explanation :yesyes:

05-09-14, 22:13
I keep seeing 13:37 on clocks (Leet - get it?)

05-09-14, 22:47
I always see 11.11 too, so odd?

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ----------

I think it's the symmetry. You probably see the exact same time on clocks all the time but you don't notice because 16:32 or whatever isn't very memorable. But times that repeat (11:11) or times that have counting association (12:34) are memorable so you notice when you see them, allowing for the illusion that you are seeing them more often than other times, when in reality you are not.

Confirmation bias :)

Probably very true but I only seem to look at the time when it's showing 11.11. I also seem to be able to guess what my battery % will be on. Probably all coincidental!

06-09-14, 04:05
I think I can recall the 12:34 that Rennie mentioned, but it was for a spell years ago and I've never give it a thought until seeing this thread.

There must be a psychological explanation for it as opposed to the aliens, angels, etc. Jung had a principle based on symmetry but I don't think it specifically referenced the time issue, more the association of 2 non associated objects or visual observations.

06-09-14, 18:43
I think like Terry states, Jung's theory on synchronicity fits this perfectly! If it happens more than once we deem it to be a meaningful coincidence. Plus 11:11 is associated with a good superstition of being able to make a wish and it being granted. So consider yourself lucky and get wishing!!!

I have had the same thing happen in the past, once it was 4:44 the other 2:32, both AM and PM. It happened for weeks .
I think this happens a lot with people who's body clocks are a little more in tune than others. I have been told that i have a freakishly accurate sense of time. If before i got to bed i look at the exact time and tell myself when i need to get up, say i look at the clock at 11:42 and need to be up for 6:30 i will without a doubt wake up at 6:29. I have never needed an alarm clock, lols!!

08-09-14, 15:53
Looked at my phone earlier today and it was 13:37!:shades:

17-11-14, 19:43
It's happening again!!!! I keep seeing 111 everywhere I go. Bought something today and the till read 111, went to a house to deliver something and the house number was 111. What does it mean? Before it was 11.11 and now it is 111. :shrug:

17-11-14, 21:03
I always seem to see 22:22 also. I have no idea why. Crazy huh

17-11-14, 23:51
I used to keep seeing 12 34 in the night!
There was a man who came into the meditation sessions I used to go to, and he believed in this thing with repeated numbers like 16:16 or 09:09. If he saw that, it was a good time. So if he got an email at a time like that it was good news. I don't believe there is anything behind it, but more still fun.

18-11-14, 00:30
It's driving me mad PanchoGoz. Keep thinking it means some sort of message. :unsure:

18-11-14, 07:45
I used to keep seeing 12 34 in the night!
There was a man who came into the meditation sessions I used to go to, and he believed in this thing with repeated numbers like 16:16 or 09:09. If he saw that, it was a good time. So if he got an email at a time like that it was good news. I don't believe there is anything behind it, but more still fun.

Kind of an opposite Magical Thinking OCD! :yesyes:

That guy must get a lot of good times! :winks:

18-11-14, 20:05
That's what I read on the Internet. Apparently to do with your thinking. Think Positive and good things will come in to your Life and also a pathway change in Life??????
It happened again today on my mobile. So, I will have to see if any good things start happening, but I won't hold my breath. :shrug:

19-11-14, 07:48
The Power of Positive Thinking and Law of Attraction...the original 'psycho babble'. There is some truth in TPOPT in that its going to change how you think and create new neural pathways in the brain via the process of neuroplasticity, something that Mindfulness has been shown to do...but it won't influence external events, thats just for the movies.

Another concept is attention-bias. In the case of the guy Pancho mentions, he ignores the reality of the situation by being biased to 1 of 4 possible outcomes seen in the traditional model. Basically, he ignores evidence of things that have not conformed to his bias. Its a known issue in anxiety disorders too where the shift is to things that concern us and away from the reality of the situation...something that is very common for the HA guys.

As long as its a bit of fun, its ok. Live your life by it and its every bit as much of a problem as what we experience in Cognitive Distortions.

So, think about it. How many times did you look at your mobile today? Did you notice the time on the display? No, but you would have seen it but you are choosing to focus on these numbers instead. It may not be a cognitive choice, more a subconscious one. So, its time to rationalise again really.

Do you have OCD or HA Carnation? These bring obsessional tendencies with them in general, and I think GAD can too, so you can become focussed on things in a more obsessive way and they can affect you or distress you. What people without anxiety disorders would deem 'habits', for us they become quite negative behaviours.

Its treatment is even gaining evidence for treatment of anxiety disorders http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attentional_retraining and there are apps out there that you can try.

19-11-14, 13:32
Oddly enough, this is something that has been happening in my life since I was a teenager. It still happens to this day. The number "11", "111" and "11:11" always seem to pop up. It's never had a negative connotation and always "seemed" to harbor positive things in my life.

There were times I gave it a lot of thought or tried to determine the meaning but anymore it's just one of those things that brings a smile to my face :)

Positive thoughts

19-11-14, 23:47
I do suffer with Health Anxiety, Death Anxiety and OCD MynameisTerry.
I believe in the power of positive thinking and that has helped me a lot in my recovery. However, if I can see this number as a positive vibe and not take it too seriously, it is much better than what was in the back of head before.
You see the last time I kept seeing these numbers, my Father died shortly after and I don't want to associate this feeling with death. So, I am taking the view that these number sightings are good omens and bring good fortune and since having this attitude, I have had a lot of positive outcomes. :)
Like you Fishmanpa, positive is better than negative.
Whether it is in the Mind or a sign from beyond, it is still a mystery. :unsure:

22-11-14, 02:43
I actually see 11.11 quite regularly as well. I don't think it means anything, other than that I always tend to look at a clock at that time, haha :) They say you should make a wish at 11.11, so it's a pretty good time to see everywhere in my opinion.

22-11-14, 20:12
I usually notice 12:34 a lot......

09-12-14, 01:37
Now, I am getting '111'?
That's not even looking at watches or clocks.
It's driving me Mad!!!

09-12-14, 08:03
You are ok as long as you don't start seeing '666' Carnation :noangel:

...or my personal favourite from a t-shirt I saw "667 - neighbour of The Beast!" :roflmao:

...and not forgetting "333 - Only half evil" :roflmao:

10-12-14, 00:20
Funny you should mention that. There was a period a while back when I was seeing 666'!!! :scared15: And does that mean that '111' is a fraction of Evil? Because the people that live at the House No. '111' are really horrid! :scared15::scared15::scared15:

10-12-14, 03:35
Funny you should mention that. There was a period a while back when I was seeing 666'!!! :scared15: And does that mean that '111' is a fraction of Evil? Because the people that live at the House No. '111' are really horrid! :scared15::scared15::scared15:

Yeah, thats another t-shirt then :D

How about this...I was born in 1975, live at no 75 and have a Jehovah's Witness living opposite :roflmao:

11-12-14, 02:50
Ahahaha Terry I want that 667 shirt! :roflmao:

28-12-14, 01:36
The '111' is still happening and it is not even linked to time? And the other day, a strange bloke came up to me and told me that he was an Angel and had a message for me from beyond from my Granny. Now getting really spooked! :wacko:

28-12-14, 01:40
Remember he could had said that to anyone and everyone and it would have been equally as relevent. What adult doesn't have a dead granny.

28-12-14, 01:50
That's what I thought PanchGoz. My practical thoughts told me just that. But, still, it was a bit freaky.

28-12-14, 01:59
Sounds like a poor bloke with some forum of mental illness who needs some help.

I agree with pancho because if you are a more mature lady, the odds are that you won't have a living grandparent. However, given his mental state he could have approached anyone and grandparents are the most likely ones to have passed for any of us.

28-12-14, 02:05
Don't know why, but I always attract these sort of people.

30-12-14, 05:47
Ahahaha Terry I want that 667 shirt! :roflmao:

How about this one? "665.99, the retail price of the beast" courtesy of Stephen Fry. :yesyes::roflmao:

24-02-15, 23:55
Here we go again.
Now it's 22:22.
I'm being by haunted by numbers! :scared15:

09-07-16, 09:34
It's happening again! A lot! :wacko:

09-07-16, 09:53
I have been seeing 9:11 for years now. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not actually seeing it as much as I think I am, but because of its connotations I notice it more than I do any other time on the clock.