View Full Version : Panic attacks & scared I will die (heart obsessions)

05-09-14, 01:15
DISCLAIMER: If you have health anxiety regarding your heart and are still scared about some terms, you might want to avoid reading this post.

I might be redundant, blurry in my explanations etc, I'm pretty panicky right now, have had huge panic attacks in the past few months and sometimes daily or often a day. Will spare too many historic as I realize these are long to read, but to put it short :

Male, 32, had G.A.D., Panic Disorder since my teen years. Have had phases where I could be a couple of years with just the occasional panic attack, but other phases can last months on a run, full-blown panic attacks, visits to the ER, etc. I am medicated since age 17 (which I won't name not having read the ToS / Rules here since a while) and tried psychologists, group therapy, books, etc.

Other than panic, I've had ECG's that showed supra ventricular tachycardia, although more often "sinus tachycardia" (can't remeber if it's said that way in english, doctors here speak french (Montreal, Canada)), PVC's, etc. Sometimes I can go a long time without feeling any of this, other times, my PVC's can be very constant, at rest like on effort, but most often on effort (then again, depends). Sometimes my tachycardia at rest can be between 96 & 130bpm for a few days straight. I've been told many times to go back home and to get on with my life, that I wasn't going to die. I just have trouble convincing myself that I'm not on the verge of an imminent death sometimes, like today and 75% of the time for the last 3-4 months where I'm in another huge phase. Also, last time they heard a heart murmur which from my own research hints to mitral valve prolapse, but my GP told me there was nothing to worry about, that I was maybe more stressed than usual.

Also, I can't help but think that sometimes my SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia) could transform itself into VT (Ventricular Tachycardia, a more dangerous form) or rhat my PVCs or any of the symptoms above could lead to cardiac arrest. I have a huge fear of death and my health anxiety is focused on everything that's cardiovascular. I also wondered minutes ago : what if, because of the sometimes difficult to differentiate SVT from VT on an ECG, what if sometimes I'm actually experiencing VT, which would also explain the temporary exhaustion / feeling drained of energy. So taht's what going on right now, also had a few PVC's today. They get worst when I walk (lately I'm out of shape because of avoidance due to my panic phase so I walk to get back in shape) so I just take walks, jogging or other seem impossible to me right now. For the record, I'm slightly overweight in the last year (180 lbs (82 kg) instead of my normal 160 lbs (73 kg)). And yeah, doing 5-10 km walks but often I feel these PVC's, my heartbeat's quicker than normal (for normal paced walks), in the 150 bpm's, and sometimes I feel like these electric pulses through my body here and there (they seem to be sync'd on a heartbeat), similar to paroxetine withdrawal symptoms (of which I am not in), if any of you experienced either one. So yah, even getting back in shape often makes me worried and I turn around back home, although often I try to continue and "brush it off" as a benign symptom.

I'm sorry if this post is all over the place, only I feel so overwhelmed with all these doubts, fears and panic attacks. I've quit my job (thus am poor right now) because of this and not to say that I'm suicidal (I am not), I just am f****** fed up of living through this on repeat and never knowing if today will be my last day. I literally am often convinced that the next day / hour / is my last.

I've went to the ER two days ago, they suggested I go to a clinic next Tuesday to have tests prescribed (bloodwork & company, I imagine) because my ECG at the moment didn't show anything alarming, "only" Sinus Tachy (~120 @ rest) although it's gotten down to 90-100 today AND ectopics (PVC's).

With all that's been described above, do you (plural) think I could be in danger or this could all be a manifestation of anxiety and subsequent panic? I mention subsequentally because sometimes they occur "out of the blue" before the panic.

Thanks in advance. Forgot half of what I was going to say but that covers a lot.

05-09-14, 11:30
I really feel for you as I'm the same , that's why yr post caught my attention , just right now I'm thinking I'm not going to make it to the end of the day as my chest feel tight with aches in left shoulder and back , I'm scared to be honest this together with racing heart beat . Xx

06-09-14, 07:06
I really feel for you as I'm the same , that's why yr post caught my attention , just right now I'm thinking I'm not going to make it to the end of the day as my chest feel tight with aches in left shoulder and back , I'm scared to be honest this together with racing heart beat . Xx

Thanks. Are you still with us? Well I am.

If it's not too personal, how old are you? I looked at your profile but all I saw was Female/UK.

Hang in there, I too know how horrible it feels. Hugs.

06-09-14, 22:41
try meditation, loads of clips on you tube xxxxxxxxxx

06-09-14, 22:54
try meditation, loads of clips on you tube xxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for replying. I tried 4-7-8 breathing technique last week 2 times, should try it more often

07-09-14, 20:04
I fully understand you. Actually, I could have written this post such are the similarities! I've been experiencing similar symptoms for 8 years now with ups and downs and heart conditions are my biggest fear (especially ventricular fibrillation). I've never got an ectopic on a ECG (only on 24-hour holter monitorings) and my sinus tachycardias have never lasted longer than 2 to 3 hours though. I've been avoiding exercise as well due to the heart symptoms/obsession/fear, and two of my full-blown panic attacks have actually happened while I was jogging outdoors. I've overcome that trauma though, albeit partially: I only exercise at home now and not more than 30 min per day. I'm now on a beta-blocker prescribed by a cardiologist so the tachycardias are gone for the time being. However, I still get all the typical symptoms of anxiety and panic, and when I'm really panicky my heart may speed up to about 80-90 bpm. What doctors have been telling me all these years is that it is all due to anxiety/panic and as long as my heart is physically healthy there is nothing to worry about the heart...

07-09-14, 22:57
Hi I'm still here , just about

I'm 41 by the way . Still worrying I'm going to try and meditate already do yoga . But I still worry too much . Today I thought I was going to collapse this time I had head ache , plus palpitations . I've also had 24hr moniter , few years ago now which was normal . How do we stop this worrying about our hearts .
It's weird as just walking up the stairs give me rapid heart beat so I think there must be something wrong .and my arm ache and shoulder . I keep thinking they may not show up on ecg an I'm going to die anyway , even after all the reassurance I've had from doctors hospital visits etc

09-09-14, 14:46
Hi, I am new here, but your post struck a cord with me OP, I also suffer with inappropriate sinus tachycardia but I also have some T wave inversions on my ECGs, (clear angiogram) no-one has really explained what this means other than a vague "it might be coronary artery spasm" answer, but like you, I suffer every day with chest tightness, tingling and pain in left arm, jaw, breathlessness. Its is so exhausting just getting through each day with all these symptoms and the worry they bring:weep: I also suffer from fibromyalgia so not sure how much is connected to that.

I really hope you can find some answers and some peace of mind regarding your symptoms.

03-01-15, 12:53
I am new to the forum but firstly wanted to say how reassured I feel, knowing there are others out there experiencing the same worries and panics that I do.
My story starts approx 6 months ago but if I am totally honest many years before, maybe since childhood. I have extreme health anxiety but my main problem is epotopic heartbeats, I've had the 24hr heart monitor and various scans but nothing was picked up. Due to have a 7 day monitor end of Jan (I think cardiologist suggested this purely to put my mind at ease). I suffer with headaches, neck and spinal pain, breathlessness and have convinced myself I have every illness going, currently undergoing tests with GP for Lyme disease (I did experience a nasty bite in the summer). All of this is completely ruining my life. I have the most beautiful daughter (aged 2, she took 7 years to conceive), I work from home with my own craft business and have a loving husband. I keep asking myself why???? Why am I experiencing all of this when I have everything I want in life and feel so lucky. Currently in bed whilst hubby takes my daughter swimming as I've woken and convinced myself I am not well enough to get out of bed. I am missing out in so much of life but can't seem to dig myself out of this dark hole :-)

11-01-15, 05:14
I've woken and convinced myself I am not well enough to get out of bed. I am missing out in so much of life [..]

That's sad. I can feel you, I've been living the same hell since the month of May or so, and it's not the first time. I'm getting a bit better though, although the psychological aspect of it is still intense, sometimes I still have fear of just going to the corner store (convenience store) at two blocks from here.

One thing I can tell you, though. Ectopics won't kill you. It's easier said than done, of course, as I myself am always terrorised by them, especially when they're on longer runs or happen more often. When I visited my cardiologist back in September, he told me if there was ONE thing I should learn from that visit, was that ectopics shouldn't be my main focus, because they're not dangerous. He acknowledged that they can be very unsettling, and told me when he had them himself, he took Magnesium supplements, 100-200 mg's daily (they sell them without prescriptions in drug stores). He told me they happened more frequently when he had very stressful events, and in our cases, the very tiring worrying about them is enough to make them last, or anxiety itself.

One thing I do when they happen now is repeat aloud inside my head: "They're very unpleasant, but I'll be okay". The same way headaches don't kill you.