View Full Version : Today's challenge!

05-09-14, 07:38
So today is the day I learn to relax & let things go...... for a day anyway!! It sounds silly but I'm one of those people who never stops both mentally & physically - always thinking & running around & it exhausts me. This attributes to my anxiety. I've taken today off from work just to chill out. Sounds simple eh.... but whenever I take a day off I spend it obsessively cleaning, DIY'ing, putting paperwork in order & running round like a headless chicken. Today I've promised myself to not worry about what's going on at work, ignore any mess, washing & anything else domesticated! This is going to be tough :wacko:!! Oh & I've promised my other half I won't go to the gym either - another part of my daily routine. So, I'm up & my plan is to have a long soak in bath, have a bit of a girly pamper, read my books (love reading but don't sit still long enough), catch up with some TV and....... well, I'm not sure what else!!! Hmmmm - not sure this is achievable but let's see how it goes :shrug::shrug:! xx

05-09-14, 07:41
good luck with the me time hope you do well and feel better xx:)

05-09-14, 08:01
Thanks Wilma. I really do feel fine but I need to learn to relax....... something I'm crap at doing. I don't know why I always feel the need to get things done. Maybe it's a case of tidy house, tidy mind...... but even when that's done I'm looking for the next thing to do. It's not like I really want to do it..... I just feel compelled. I'd like my attitude to be more 'that can wait' or 'someone else can do that'. I usually go to the gym on a Friday & I really don't want to go & I won't but my head is screaming 'you're missing a gym session..... fail' - it's crazy. xx

05-09-14, 08:05
aww i was like that at my work as a nurse never slowed down always on the go had no time for anything or should i say to much to do and not enough time to do it but i tell you one day i went into melt down and needed rest and me time :)