View Full Version : Memory loss, confusion, am I losing my mind? afraid

05-09-14, 12:06
I'm a health anxiety sufferer, and lately I've been incredibly forgetful and have states of confusion.

The memory loss scares me, I will forget what certain things are called. The other day I forgot what pockets were called... I had to look at the package and be reminded. I forget things I had been thinking about 30 seconds ago.

Also, today I was at work and thought a certain song was playing. I even mentioned it to a workmate. That song wasn't playing but I swear I heard it on the speaker. The song that was playing didn't even sound similar.

I am very afraid. Am I losing my mind?

05-09-14, 13:08
Firstly getting yourself to a Doctor would be the best thing to do.

I find myself in similar states of mind. Like I know what something is called but for the life of me can't think of it at that point.

I think when our mind is in a state of anxiety we kind of cancel out everything else around us. So if you were thinking of a song in your head (without even realising it) you could have confused yourself thinking it was actually on the radio.

When I am suffering with my anxiety I tend to zone out into my own little bubble leading me to forget what people have said or even look at them whilst they are talking and think to myself I didn't understand a word they just said.

Just remember your not alone with this one.

05-09-14, 13:12
Why do you think I need to see a doc regarding this?

05-09-14, 13:14
As MrsDP said, it's a rather common symptom. If you think you're losing your mind, you're not. People who are in psychosis don't realize it. I know this from experience as I had a reaction to steroids during chemo. I wasn't myself at all and I had no idea. Everyone else around me knew though!

Positive thoughts

05-09-14, 13:29
This happens to people I know all the time who are completely rational (unlike me!)

Personally I've been playing my guitar and can remember everything until I start obsessing that I can't and then I forget. It's definitely normal x

05-09-14, 14:26
I think I do it more when my mind is so consumed with my HA and my fear I am about to die like your so fixated in your feeling I do it all the time just lately as my head is a shed and I think I am now a plant pot lol xxxxx

06-09-14, 02:14
It's such a worrying feeling! Like do I have dementia? A tumour? What is going on!

06-09-14, 02:35
It's such a worrying feeling! Like do I have dementia? A tumour? What is going on!

You have anxiety disorder Plass... the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can begin a path to healing.

Positive thoughts

06-09-14, 09:54
Read Catch 22! If you're with it enough to wonder if you're losing your mind, you're not losing your mind. :)

06-09-14, 11:07
If this is a sign of something sinister then I'm in real trouble!!!!

I'm like this when I'm focused on one particular thing - might be an anxiety symptom or just something I'm a bit worried or stressed about. I forget names (even my own), why I've walked into a room, where I've put something - my mind is a blank with regard to everything! It can be a scary symptom because it feels like you've lost your mind & the harder you try to remember the more you forget!!!

Perfectly normal hun in moments of high anxiety. xx

08-09-14, 12:57
Anxiety :) This quote always helps me remember I don't truly have memory trouble "There's a difference between forgetting where you parked your car, and forgetting you have a car"

I also remember homer simpson going to marge "What's that thing you erm dig with' (something like that) he meant a spoon haha and I've forgotten words for things just the same!

Also had a visual hallucination (thinking someone i saw was someone else) which is a bit like an auditory one (thinking the song was a different song) they're just 'glitches' caused by anxiety - don't stress it!

24-03-16, 02:56
Ohhh I know this all too well. It's been really bothering me lately, I'll literally forget what someone just asked me or I will be doing something and forget what I was about to go get or do. I even sprayed some deoderant on and then forgot that I did but knew because I could smell it! It is really scary and I always fear the worst but usually what I fear is not the case, I do think it's related to anxiety/stress and not being present. I am such a worrier especially about HA like I have a fear of going crazy and often get spaced out and foggy brain. All we can do is feel it in the moment and try not to read into it too much, as anxious people we are more hyper vigilant then others that's why we read into everything. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon xo

24-03-16, 06:08
I'm a health anxiety sufferer, and lately I've been incredibly forgetful and have states of confusion.

The memory loss scares me, I will forget what certain things are called. The other day I forgot what pockets were called... I had to look at the package and be reminded. I forget things I had been thinking about 30 seconds ago.

Also, today I was at work and thought a certain song was playing. I even mentioned it to a workmate. That song wasn't playing but I swear I heard it on the speaker. The song that was playing didn't even sound similar.

I am very afraid. Am I losing my mind?

Anxiety .. be sure ...also if you were losing your mind you wouldn't know it.. that is why they call it losing your mind.. so take heart and feel better soon.