View Full Version : Agoraphobic Friend too fearful to get to doctor...

17-08-04, 17:19
Hello all,

I'm not sure how active this forum is but I really need some advice. My best friend is agoraphobic, and will no longer leave her street. It's only 1 block long, and now she seems to not be able to get more than a few houses away before she panics.

She has been this way for probably 17 years now (we've known each other a long time). In the beginning, it got so bad so rapidly that she didn't leave her house for over 2 years. The poor thing had her baby during this time, and although the labor over took the panic momentarily, right after he was born she was panicking in the hospital and had to leave, and leave the baby there. She felt so ashamed of this that she didn't tell any of us he was born until two days after,(her sister stayed at the hospital with the baby). She called us all after the hospital let the baby come home.

Then a few years later she started getting a little better. I moved into the neighborhood, and I guess i was sort of her "safe person", and she started coming out and venturing to my house. Over time she got better and better, and was even able to hold down a job. But here is the thing. She had boundaries in her mind that no one could break. There was one grocery store, one drug store within her "safe zone", and she did all her shopping there. Her job was also in her safe zone. I think it amounted to 17 total blocks that she was able to travel. (I've heard her mention this number, she must have kept count.) The hospital and all of the doctors offices that would be able to help her were outside her "safe zone". She couldn't seek medical help for her illness because going one step farther than her safe area would trigger panic. the little bit she did, she did on her own.

Two years ago, she started getting worse again. As I said, she can't get more than a few houses away before she panics. She can't shop for herself, or go to her kids school, or even to a doctor. She cries all the time and calls herself a "weirdo", and says she knows people are sick of her not doing anything for herself. Her kids are resentful (ages 19 and 11), but they try to hide it. Now she is great about if there is something she can't do with them, she will find someone who will, so they are not exactly housebound with her, but they still are affected by her illness.

I need to know how to help her. I'm so frustrated because she can't get to a doctor, and no doctors are going to come to her. How can you get treatment for someone who is afraid to leave their street, let alone travel all the way across town to a doctors office? It's like a trap her mind has set up to keep her sick. Her safe zone never expanded enough to reach the doctors office. She is a great, fun-loving person...I don't see her as a weirdo at all, she is just ill. I know she can't help it, but I feel so frustrated on how to get her any help.

Do any of you know how to get help for an agoraphobic person who is housebound? The local mental health offices say she has to come to them..period. She can't.....period. I don't know what to do. She can't be the only person who is stuck like this. I think it's wrong that trained professionals don't seem to grasp the fact that she is too fearful to get to them.

If you have any suggestions, please, please....help.

Thank you.

17-08-04, 17:50
Hi There

First of all may I say that im sure a lot of us wish we had friends like you!!!!!

Does she want to get better or is she content with staying how she is. The main thing that will help her is her desire to get out and get better.

Does she know that you are on here trying to get advice for her? This website was a really strong influence on me to get out and get better so maybe she could come on here herself in time and start to be active in helping herself.

Try reading this from the site, explains a lot about how to help with panic for a start

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

The main thing that helped me to get out again was of course the desire to do it but also practice.
I started by going to the front door, then next day to the end of the drive, then 2 houses up and progressed to the end of the road etc.
The best thing is to practice these things until she feels 'comfortable' with it before she progresses to the next stage as (im sure you know) if she goes too fast, she will scare herself silly and go back to square one!

Also trying to keep yourself positive. Positive affirmations..it wont hurt me, wont kill me, I can ALWAYS get home, deep breaths and playing games in your head like counting red cars along the road etc will all help with distraction.

Im sorry, I dont know about getting help in the USA but im sure someone on here will be able to point you in the right direction!!!

take care,
The best thing you can do is be there for her and keep encouraging her.

love Sarah

17-08-04, 18:07
Hi Friend ,

Its lovely that you care so much to come and ask for advice on her behalf. I'm sure she appreciates you so much.

First of all there is only one person wo can get her over this. Herself. She HAS to want to put in the effort to overcome this. If she has no wish to improve then it is a non starter.

However, many things and people can help enormously - You particularly.

try to figure out what bit of the panic scares er the most - for some it's breathlessness, for others a racing heart. Let us know what bit is the worst and we'll explain it further.

There is no secret - just gentle exposure. She needs to expand her boundaries by one tiny step at a time. So either with you or alone - her choice- she needs to step one step over her boundary and if panic is triggered she needs to stay there for the count of perhaps 60 and if she is doing ok, ie still vertical , agree with herself to stay for another count of 60 up to about 10 mins in total.

Things that can help - sniffing lavender oil, rescue remedy, singing , chatting, practicing slow deep breathing.Positive affirmations are great. Crying is fine as is feeling totally awful but it passes.

She then needs to do that same thing everyday until that one step is easier and comfortable and then progress to two steps and so forth. Repetition and praise for eac sucess however small is crucial.

Meds can help . A SSRI antidepressant and anti anxiety can mask the symptoms enough to get her motivated again. I understand that she cannot reach medical help but these days meds are easily available.

Try this too:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Let us know ow you get on..


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

17-08-04, 23:47
Hiya Friend.

I think it is lovely that you care for your friend so much that you are willing to seek help on her behalf.

As an agrophobic person myself, I can relate to the whole boundary thing. There are still certain places I can't handle going to.
Even though I have been further than that by car.

I think it is wrong that trained professionals will not come out and see her.

I agree with Meg, slow and gentle exposure is the way forward.
It takes time, patience and panic but it is the best thing to do.
Thanks to gentle exposure, I can now go shopping by myself. :D
I'm sure with your help and support she will be extending her "safe zone" in no time.

The main thing is to be pleased for her. When she is able to take 2 steps out of the "safe zone" for 10 seconds without falling in to a heap, let her know how well she has done.

I find visualization helps. I was taught to visualize the place I was going to walk to.
I was told to make notes of how it felt and why. Maybe this would help your friend too.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

18-08-04, 04:02
Hello all,

What a nice bunch of people you are! I really appreciate all the good suggestions. You know, my friend didn't know I was doing this..she gets funny sometimes, not that she doesn't want to get better, but sometimes gets irrational fears that people are going to know who she is or spot her "secret"..she has managed to conceal her condition from neighbors, teachers, etc. so I was a little leery to call her and say "ya know what, I was talking to some people about your problem and..."
but Guess what? She got really excited, and said she would be willing to work with me a little every day to try to go farther. I told her about the waiting 60 seconds thing, and even the counting red cars thing:) and we both laughed and I said what the heck? The neighbors won't know what we are doing, and I told her if they ask why we keep walking up and down the street, blame it on me and say my doctor says I need to start walking after my surgery last month. ( I really did have surgery, had to have most of my right lung removed...cancer..now that was an adventure)
We are both still pretty young..42, and now that I think about it, it's kinda funny. What a pair we are gonna make walking down the street..I'm cracking up so bad right now...I'll be out of breath (she lives on a hill..lol) saying count red cars honey...count to 60!

18-08-04, 12:26

I just echo what everyone said. What a great friend you are.... I'm so glad your friemd is willing to accept that it will be her hard work that gets her 'better' in the end and I'm sure with you she will come on great. Your post actually got me a bit emotional, even with going through surgery for cancer (i hope you are in the clear now) you are still there for her

She's one lucky lady

Best of Luck to both of you and keep us updated eh

Take care

18-08-04, 13:24
Wonderful news! :D
I think it is great that she is going to give a bit of outdoor walking a try.

I'm so glad your friend didn't growl at us for sticking our fourpenth in.

What a brave lady you are, despite your own problems you have been there to help and support your friend.

I was taught a little trick, and it might help your friend.

I was told to focus on something in the middle distance, and make it my aim to reach it. I too was told to keep my mind busy.
Counting cars, how many houses have white doors? How many flowers can you name growing near by? That sort of thing.

The truth is more people suffer with anxiety related disorders than you can imagine. Right now, somewhere in the world, someone is locked in their wardrobe afraid. Agrophobia is nothing to be ashamed of.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

18-08-04, 14:24
hi im tina im agrophobc, i have just got help after 12, years. the doctor has to come out to ur friend insist. he comes to see me now and a nurse.just change ur doctor if he says no

Caz Fab Pants
18-08-04, 17:02
What a fantastic friend you are, thoughtful and judging by your recent problems, a very brave lady too.

I'm sure you have enough idea's to be going on with and like someone else said, its a matter of gradual exposure. Little and often so progress is made slowly and therefore will be more easy to maintain.

I wish you both the best of luck and look forward to hearing about your first few outings.

Good luck
Caroline :)

PS I had the same problem with the doctor, mine wouldn't come out to me until one day I was really poorly. The doctor came out and treated me and the next day I got a letter telling me I'd been struck off and would have to register elsewhere!!

18-08-04, 18:05
The system in the USA is so different.


18-08-04, 21:04
Hi Friend

Welcome to the forum - good to see you are here for someone you care about so much.

When do you think you and your mate can start doing things together and getting her out?

Good luck to you both anyway
