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25-12-06, 16:13
is there anyone out there who can say yes i have or had that.

my still at the stage where im trying to convince myself that this is all ANX, (as some of you well know , lol. yeah you know who you are)

its just these physical feelings,

24/7 tightness, and aches in the left side of my body, including, tight neck, shoulder, upper and lower breast, under arm, armpit a nd down arm, tightness and numbness in my left side of face, one blood shot eye.
tight tummy and chest at times, feeling that my whole nervous system on that side is on fire, like hyper sensitive, also sometimes a popping feeling going on inside me.

pls pls pls someone out there say this is all harmless, and not anything serious.
i take diazapam, and doc has give me Zispin -(Mirtazapine) which i havent taken yet as i dont want side effects making me worse.

can someone help????????????



just trying a heat pad on my shoulder, are they safe?

25-12-06, 16:55

please dont panic i get most of these thing at one time or another its all anxiety i am sure its just s thinking into things all the time we stress about things more than others and allways think the worst when it is allmost allways nothing bad
dont stress you will be just fine
jo xx

25-12-06, 17:09
thanks jodie

im trying not to stress but these feelings are always there, for the last number of minths

25-12-06, 17:21
Hello,its all anxiety pet.You will be ok.

Ellen XX

25-12-06, 20:47
You'll be fine and i also get these symptoms from time to time

Linda xx

26-12-06, 08:24
I first came about this website (earlier this year) when I had tingling/numbness completely down the left side (face, arm/hand and down to my feet) and occasionally in parts of the right side. I had been suffering anxiety for a good few months at that stage, although I don't think I had accepted then that this WAS anxiety, it had to be something terminal, I felt so awful. I also had muscle tension everywhere; my upper abdomen was rigid and uncomfortable, my neck and shoulders were sore, my back ached .....

Basically, these symptoms have all passed at some stage, and most of them have returned at some stage. They still concern me a bit if I'm in that frame of mind, but mostly I accept them as anxiety now.

Massage has helped me, as has Reiki. I also found taking magnesium useful for the muscle tension. Plus, for me, talking as much as I can about my concerns to anyone who will listen, and posting on here and the support of the other members.

Have you been offered any other help, other than the medication?

Your symptoms are all anxiety, and in time you will accept this, but the problem with us lot is that we all think of the worst possible scenario and put ourselves through hell worrying about what could happen, before we eventually accept it for what it is!

I hope this helps, and I hope you had a good Xmas.

26-12-06, 10:37
Airwolf, IT IS ANXIETY! There told you again, part of the conditon is that you dont believe it. If you tell yourself often enough though maybe it will start to reprogramme your brain. Try this, its called self comfort, Take three deep slow breaths, then close your eyes and think of the most beautiful peaceful place that you have ever visited, imagine what it was like to be there, how calm and peaceful it is, and stay there for a few minutes, thinking about the calm and peacefulness. My psycho taught me this, it really works for me. I imagine I am in Norway by the side of a huge lake, surrounded by mountains and i am there alone except God is with me! I love my safe place!

26-12-06, 13:09
Can i just add airwolf, don,t be afraid to take the zispin. This antidepressant has the least side effects than any other antidepressant only about four or five and none of them that bad. I was on them for months, i did get really hungry on them and developed a few brown spots on my legs but apart from that i was fine on them. Hope this eases your mind about taking them. Take care.x

sheree ritchie

26-12-06, 18:10
Hi Airwolf

How are you today?
Just read your post from yesterday.

27-12-06, 14:14
airwolf - loved the program and especially the music, my wife has it on her mobile phone, so i hear it often.

I got your personal message - i'd hate to be as certain as the other replies. Yes some or all of these symptoms can be caused be anxiety, but so many at once? My best advice would be to see your doctor for reassurance, on the physical side. I don't know enough about you to say if this is normal for you and even if it was - it could still be physical.

I'm sorry i can't be more help or give a certain answer. I feel doing so, or even trying, would not be helpful. But i'm here if you want to chat, share or just hang out. Love Paul.

Love to all members

27-12-06, 14:17
Hi there air,
just read your post, all i can say is anxiety causes horrid symptoms, just try to relax, and if you really are worried go and see the doc ( as i've been doing constantly just now !!).
I hope you feel better soon and tc, pm me if you need to chat xx

27-12-06, 19:28

Re-read that page I sent you as a lot of those symptoms can be easily explained.

Hope you feel better soon.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel