View Full Version : much more better mentally but still chronic physical symptoms

05-09-14, 19:30
hi can someone explain ive been mentally much more relaxed the last 3 weeks but if anything my physical symptoms are still there if not worse as you can all understand its putting a big drain on my life am I expecting to much to soon? im 31 and feel like a pensioner

also can I ask when I was taken into care through anxiety a few years back why didn't my anxiety present physical symtoms then and just mental ones?? thanks

05-09-14, 19:52
As somebody who has recently come out of panic disorder I found that you had to tackle the 'mental' symptoms first. The 'physical' symptoms remain in a somewhat 'test' and once you start to ignore them and pretend that they're not there the slowly they go too. It is a flipping challenge getting through this, but it can be done.

For the last question. I think it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I was bullied for years and it happened that on a particular day I had my first panic attack and my symptoms become vastly physical. Nobody could tell you why it happened when and not before.

08-09-14, 10:46
I have to agree with Rennie, in the respect that, I had problems with anxiety for a couple of years, that were purely mental and slowly got over them, then due to stress at university I had my first panic attack earlier this year and since then I've been inundated with physical symptoms.

08-09-14, 18:49
Hi rennie -
mind if I ask What does a panic disorder entail? Is physical panic attacks or can it be mental (sorry to to use that word)
I don't have physical panic attacks although I get intesnse fear sensations that I have that leave me feeling like I've just been panicking over something severe although at the time it happens I can be doing anything at all.

A few months ago I was hit with a shock and never wanted to but ended up having to Leave my wife and kids
and found it very traumatic and it mentally & physically destroyed me, many of nights I would sit and panic over the situation being alone and get very emotional - 7 months on although things are back to normal in terms of my family I'm still experiencing them same feelings and emotions of pure fear, scared, horror sensations that are so bad at times it brings tears to my eyes and physically hurts, I can be doing nothing related to anything that involves my past but it just comes and I can't control the fear feeling.

Was wondering if this sounds like anything you have experienced? I'm just looking for answers to my own problems.

Thanks for your time,

09-09-14, 02:21
This is exactly me. I would say, mentally, I'm on and off, but physically my symptoms can last for a long time after whatever was causing me anxiety which then causes me to feel anxious anyway. It's a horrible cycle.

I just think it can take some time for your body to re-adjust itself and recover after quite intense anxiety, especially if you get panic-like symptoms. I try to just take it easy and try not to think about the physical symptoms (mainly exhaustion, lightheaded-ness, general weakness and nausea) which can be hard as some of the symptoms are so debilitating.

Right now, I'm physically a bit all over the shop, I'm a little stressed but my body is more 'in tune' as I had a very anxious week last week and my body is still trying to 'come down' from it so my physical symptoms come quite quickly even over a little (more normal) stress.