View Full Version : Anxiety relapse :-(

05-09-14, 20:06
Hi all,

After being virtually anxiety free for about a year on a maintenance 20mg dose it Citalopram, I've had a relapse out of the blue!!

I've had some recent mild stress, however my recent circumstances are the happiest I've ever been.... Until this!! It feels different this time, lots if intrusive thoughts, constant gnawing anxiety in my tummy, tight band feeling round my head and feel so lethargic!!! I'm terrified that this is going to turn into depression, even though apart from this I have been so happy with my life? Anyone else had a relapse or been able to pick themselves back up from one? I need my positivity back!!

Thanks x

05-09-14, 23:39
I've always had anxiety in some form but about six years ago, for a period of about three years, I had the worst anxiety I've ever experienced. It was mainly health anxiety and it was awful. After a long battle, I managed to work my way through it and have just had mild-moderate anxiety since.

Well, this spring I found out I didn't get into graduate school. I had no idea what I was going to do (still don't). I am not really able to find work easily with the degree I have unless I have extra schooling, I'm not sure I really want to do this - all that mess. I found myself with my awful, awful anxiety symptoms coming back - panic attacks, extreme sadness, nausea, etc.

The difference here is that I was in school when I experienced it the first time, so as long as I was staying afloat there it didn't really matter if all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch. This time, I actually have to go be productive and make something of myself - not much room for sulking.

However, I've been doing okay. There have been some terrible days, but it's only been about three months (as opposed to three years the first time!) and there have been good days too, which there weren't before. It really has help telling myself that I have been here before, I can beat it, and I know that I will be okay again. Maybe not totally "normal" but functional and even happy.

I think you can do it too! Relapses happen, especially when there are stressors that initiate the anxiety. Be kind to yourself, and be patient. You'll get through this again. :)

06-09-14, 15:35
Thanks for your reply!!

I'm also having some ok days, but feel like it's always lingering and I feel so exhausted with it!!

I hope this bout doesn't last long :(

06-09-14, 19:31
Hi SH412,

Like you I'm having a blip (as I call it)

Mine started a week ago and came out of the blue. I have had quite a few blips since my first breakdown 5 years ago, some last a few days, some last a little longer. You WILL come out of this I always do. I always think it's different this time, but in reality they are all the same, sickness, no sleep, headaches, not eating and worrying about the most stupid things ever. It will pass, try and remain positive and you will get there, trust me I'm a professional at relapses!!