View Full Version : One Pupil Bigger Than Other

05-09-14, 22:07
When I was about 10 I had a trip to the hospital with concussion thanks to banging my head due to a seizure (I used to suffer from a form of childhood epilepsy). The next morning when the doctor makes his rounds I was discharged but told I should go and get my eyes checked out as he had noticed that one pupil was larger than the other (he obviously wasn't worried that it was due to my bang to the head). I actually didn't get my eyes checked out until I was about 17 as I hadn't had any eye issues to persuade me to go until then. What forced me to go was constant visual snow which I explained to the eye doctor. After an examination he told me I had great vision and I had no problems. I then put my visual snow down to anxiety. I am now 21 and I still have one pupil constantly larger than the other that is quite clear when looking in a mirror yet when I ask someone else to look they can't see it. There isn't a massive difference, probably a few mm's but it still bothers me. Could I of always had it, been born with it perhaps? could a seizure of caused it and it has just stayed that way? when I had my eyes checked out the eye doctor didn't even mention it yet the doctor all them years ago did and said I should have it checked. Am I worrying unnecessarily? even after the reassurance from the eye doctor should I get them checked again now? terrified of suddenly going blind! or of there being some kind of nerve or blood vessel issue, the eye doctor would of picked that up before though right? i'm even worrying about a benign brain tumour that I could of had all these years? you can even see them on eye examinations though can't you? please can someone put my mind at rest!?

05-09-14, 22:14
My mum (and David Bowie!!) has this. She's 57 now and she's had it for as long as she can remember (she actually calls it her Bowie eye) and it's a pretty significant difference to the point where she got bullied in school. She was also in a car accident that had her concussed for a couple of days and the doctor, similar to how he was with you, noticed the difference in her pupils but she said they'd always been like that and I can't remember if she got tests or not but she's had no visual problems that haven't been regular and due to age like long sightedness. Hope this eases your mind somewhat. Xx

If it would put your mind more at rest, you could definitely see a GP about it just to voice your concerns.

05-09-14, 22:34
Thanks for the reply! after googling (I know I shouldn't of) my symptoms I found out along the way that David Bowie's was caused by him being punched in a fight. I hadn't noticed mine prior to the doctor mentioning it so who knows whether it has always been there or whether a seizure or whatever caused it (apparently this can happen). Just remembered that after one seizure I went completely blind for up to 30 minutes, perhaps this left me with damage to the eye? If I had a condition I probably would of known about it nowand it would of been picked up when I had them checked. I just wish there was a way of just knowing how something happened! the mind is a terrible thing for creating worries that shouldn't really occur.

05-09-14, 22:44
It really is. I've had other troubles in the past with my mind and mistakenly didn't think it could get worse, then this! But I certainly think doctors would have mentioned something before now if it was dangerous. Of course I'm not a dr so I don't know how good my word is! But I know how it is to be worried and it's nice to be heard. But if you did go to the doctors and expressed your worries, maybe they'd talk to you about it all. :)