View Full Version : Heart pounding and pain in left side under ribs.. anxiety??

05-09-14, 23:59

I am a 22 year old male, i exercise regular and am an IT manager . I have been diagnosed with GAD and I have just started taking prescribed medication for this. I have had heart palpations and chest pain since the age of 16. I have had numerous ECG'S and other tests which have all come back normal. I have a 12 monthly blood test which again always comes back fine. I have 2 main concerns which I am still worrying about constantly. Firstly I sometimes experience a sudden jolt like feeling in my heart, likes its skipping and then my heart starts to pound and I start to feel like im going to have a heart attack (which im sure is the start of a panic attack). Secondly i am a social smoker but don't smoke more than 20 cigarettes a month. I have a pain in my left side under my rib cage which feels like a constant dull ache and sometimes i get a sharp twinge feeling in this area also , when i press on my ribs during this time the pain worsens. (I did have pneumonia a few years back which left me with inflammation of the lining of the lungs) - this worsens when i smoke and drink after a heavy night out. Im sure both of these things are linked to either an inflammation issue or my GAD but want to make sure is isn't cancer or anything more serious!!! just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like this before.

Thanks for your help.


06-09-14, 01:00
Hey Kris, what your describing is very common amongst anxiety suffers and there have been numerous posts over the years about the exact symptoms your describing I've even experienced it myself. It is anxiety and it will go in time the medication you have started to take will help. When I feel panicky I take myself to a quiet place and take deep breaths in and out until the feeling of panic disappears this technique world really well for me. Good luck.