View Full Version : Worried about my bp readings

06-09-14, 15:03
Hello im Worried about my bp readings and now I'm in a panic evan more :(
Really making myself ill. Ive been having excessive sweating lately all day and night only my head. Put it with it for about 6 weeks then said to my partner this is not right.Went to a walk in clinic and they done a check on my bp and they said they where very concerned it was 136/100 ? I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety for over 10 years and been on 20mg citalapram for that long. Im panicking about this now , things like heart attack and cancer silly thoughts like that.Ive never been so scared in my life :( I'm only 42 and just got married i don't want to die now.

06-09-14, 15:11
It's only slightly high , is the doctor going to check it regular for you it would have to be constantly high to be a worry and then they can put you on medication I wouldn't worry to much make an appointment to see your regular doctor he will check it again .

06-09-14, 17:16
He was worried about the 100 I'm no expert on this but he really scared me

06-09-14, 17:26
But they will have to monitor you over a period of time , I would go see your own GP , everyone's Bp goes up now and again it's if it continues to be high . I wouldn't worry but I would defo go see your GP they know you best...... Wrong to go scarring you like that