View Full Version : Update on 'put deposit on puppy'

06-09-14, 15:10
Hi everyone, just to let you know I tackled my anxiety head on with this and I made it!
Thank you to all that replied with comments when I freaked after putting a deposit on a new puppy.
I had a few weeks of ups and downs plus not much sleep but was determined that I was giving to win. I have now had my new dog for 2 weeks and she is lovely, all the things I thiught would happen didn't and it proves that I am stronger than I thought.

06-09-14, 15:39
Great news :)

06-09-14, 15:55
That's fantastic :D awwww I bet she's adorable.

06-09-14, 16:08
:yesyes: Good move!

Pip x

06-09-14, 17:09
Pics of the cuteness when you can :)

Positive thoughts

06-09-14, 20:46
I'd love to see a pic too if you can manage it.

07-09-14, 03:11
Yes please to some pics!

Well done. She will provide you with distractions, love and give you something to focus on that is not a negative. They are great companions.