View Full Version : Fear

06-09-14, 16:38
Hello. I am new here. Hope its ok to share with you? I am having a rough time at the moment
Really worried about my health. Had scan, all ok. Have to have gastroscopy next week. Really frightened. Feeling unwell as well as terribly anxious.Not coping at all. Cant sleep. Have pills but too scared to take them to help me sleep. Just started Citalopram. Exhausted. Sorry to be so self pitying.

06-09-14, 16:49
Nothing wrong with abit of self pity Hun , I would take the pills if they give you a good nights sleep , I know how you feel with tummy worries

06-09-14, 16:55
Thanks for replying to me
I am scared of sleeping tabs to be honest
Have you had tummy troubles too? The anxiety of this has caused me to be really unwell also
Just feel terrified of gastroscopy next week
Thanks again for responding xx

06-09-14, 17:52
Hi eastendlady, welcome to the site, sorry to hear you're feeling rough but that's how it goes when you just start meds! If you've only just started on meds you will need to give it at least a couple of months until you even out. Also you may find that you still have blips of anxious periods. Anxiety always affects my tummy first too, although I'm aware of it and don't let it get to me....just spend an awful lot more on toilet paper haha! On a serious note, if you take a sleeping tablet and get a good sleep it really helps. As long as you are responsible with them they are a godsend. It's also common to be a bit self pitying, that too goes away as you start to feel better. Wishing you all the best x

06-09-14, 19:16
Yes I've had tummy problems for 2 yrs right sided abdomen pain , flatulence ,back pain , constipation . I had a sigmoidoscopy clear and barium enema unreadable for some reason was suppose to have a. Colonoscopy but had a huge panic attack outside and fainted and couldn't go in so now I my head I'm convinced it's colon cancer because I didn't go , was also diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia ........ I would definitely take the sleepers I take amitriptyline they help me a lot

06-09-14, 20:47
Thanks Susan and Cags. You are both right I should take the sleeping tabs
Haven't slept properly for months. Hour here or maybe two, wake up, if I'm lucky get another hour. Not last night however...terrible! Also badly constipated due to medication taken for back pain. Exhausted frightened and feeling awful. Scared of sleeping pills but realise can't go on like this. So frightened of result of gastroscopy. Ultrasound result ok though
GP said reassuring and blood tests ok
Cant be reassured though. Anxiety killing me
mornings up to mid afternoon
Sorry for the negativity and morose wallowing
Thanks for your replies and your kindness
Don't know how I am going to get through this procedure next Wednesday
However you have both helped me and allayed my fears considerably. Sorry that you passed out before your colonoscopy. I can really understand this and totally sympathise
My anxiety levels are so high and are making everything worse. Thanks both for listening. Sorry to waffle on
Thanks both xx

08-09-14, 11:55
hello Cags wondered if you were around today?

08-09-14, 16:00
Hi Hun I'm doing a quick dash in dash out but send me a message and I will reply later , hope your feeling abit brighter today x

08-09-14, 18:49
Thanks so much hun. Sorry to be a misery but not great at all today. Cant take Lansoprazole, which helps. Have been advised not to take before gastroscopy Wednesday. So afraid. Not sleeping, nausea and horrible. Sorry again to moan. Another thing worrying me is, and I apologise for TMI I have passed some thin stools. Hope you don't mind me asking if you have experienced this? I am not going on that internet anymore. It's terrified me
How are you today? Hope you're ok? I know that you have had similar problems. Hope things are easier for you today. You sound busy today also. Hope you are ok?

08-09-14, 20:03
Hi , I've had allsorts of stools thin , flat , dark , light . The gastroscope isn't to bad they spray your throat with this numbing stuff that's the bit I didn't like tastes awful but you will be in and out in no time , I know they tell you not to take tabs I take omeprazole very similar to yours .i know you must be scared look at me I fainted <-------wuss , I would take the sleeping tablets I know you don't like them but they will help you sleep and everything seems better after a good nights sleep x
I went to doctors today she's sending me for a colposcopy and a CT scan ..... Oh the joys

08-09-14, 20:55
Thanks so much for your reply. I won't be googling symptoms anymore. You are right and my family are telling me off about it too. You are having a colonoscopy and ct scan? How long have you been having problems? You're right....the joy! Driving me crazy tbh. I should take the sleep meds. Worried though that no one will be able to wake me up as I haven't slept for months. Also scared they might disagree with me in some way. Thanks for the word about the stools also. Everything is terrifying me at the moment. Hope you are ok. Hope things get easier for you. I will ask for sedation for the gastroscopy. Think it best. Thanks for your kindness x

---------- Post added at 20:55 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ----------

Just realised that you said "colposcopy" which I mistook for colon. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the appointment Hun. Thanks again x

11-09-14, 09:01
Hi. Just to let you know that I have had gastroscopy and was diagnosed with mild gastritis. Re tested for h pylori which was negative. Discharged back to GP seeing him on Monday. Waiting for appt to help me manage my anxiety which has been sky high recently. Everything has impacted on me and built up. I want to thank everyone who supported and sent me messages and advice on here. Many thanks to you all
Stay in touch please x

11-09-14, 14:36
Glad it wasn't anything sinister Hun , concentrate on getting back to feeling right again always here if you need a chat x

11-09-14, 16:03
So pleased it wasn't anything menacing. :hugs: Keep us posted and we're always here.

11-09-14, 16:21
Thank you both so much. Yes will keep in touch so please also keep me posted as to how you are all doing. The support on here is wonderful
Thanks again