View Full Version : weird throat feelings

06-09-14, 18:48
I have been getting this for a couple of months like someone is pushing on my adams apple and like a lump feeling in my throat aswell as tight neck muscles. I keep thinking its something bad but its driving me mad. anyone else get this? any advice would be great oh and my gp checked my neck for lumps and said the muscles were all tight. im just starting to obsess about it and keep poking and prodding my throat

06-09-14, 19:26
Raises hand. It's been kind of the bane of my existence for a while now. The way the doctor explained anxiety like this to me is that it's a bit like wearing a tie. You feel the tie there when you're not used to it and so you start to think about it obsessively because it's there and it's not something you're used to. Probably didn't explain that alright but hopefully it makes sense. We think about it too much and can't stop. And even when we think we aren't aware of it, we are. So then we touch our throats a lot and the touching makes it more apparent and also aggravated it more. I'm right there with you though. I hope this helps in any way. :)

07-09-14, 00:06
'm not a doctor but it certainly sounds anxiety related and possibly GERD/globus and/or acid reflux.

Positive thoughts