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View Full Version : Compulsive behaviour whilst anxious

06-09-14, 20:35
Does anyone else have strange habits during episodes of anxiety? I find myself hoarding meaningless items, picking up small pieces of debris from the floor and hoarding them in my pocket because I can't bring myself to throw anything away. Also slight OCD behaviour with the way I arrange items on work surface or having to take three sips from a drink. All of this is done because I fear something bad will happen if I don't! I know it's totally irrational and am embarrassed to admit this. Seems completely random behaviour unlike common OCD behaviours like checking and cleanliness obsessions. Only happens when I'm having an episode of anxiety. :wacko:

08-09-14, 03:45
Hi Moomin,

Yes, I do some of this myself and there are others on the OCD board on this forum talking about things like this.

OCD is generally considered a checking, washing & hoarding disorder due to how it is portrayed in the media.

Ignore all this, because its far more diverse.

Here is a list that OCD UK list on their website.


You will see hoarding mentioned. You will also see symmetry mentioned which you state in your post.

The drinking in certain numbers is something I do as well. I don't know where it fits into OCD but it will be OCD as its a strange autopilot compulsion, which is part of what OCD is.

CBT can be useful for OCD but if you have underlying anxiety like GAD, as I do, you may reach a point where you can't progress further with reducing the OCD. For me, I found Mindfulness meditation helped me more than any of that and my OCD has greatly reduced.

I still do some of it such as drinking in symmetrical numbers but I find it no longer makes me feel anxious whether I do it or not, but I still need to drop the actual routine.

Suggest moving your thread to the OCD board so more people get to see it and response to you.

Oh, and the fearing something bad will happen is classic OCD. You do it because you are preventing something bad happening despite knowing nothing bad will. If you find you believe something could harm you or your family, it is also likely tou have Magical Thinking OCD, as I do.

10-09-14, 23:09
Thanks for this reply. Haven't heard of magical thinking OCD. Will look into this. Wishing you well.