View Full Version : dermatologist

06-09-14, 22:30
Hey guys,
Ok Well my derm app is finally on thurs after over 2 months of waiting, none of my moles look or feel bad to me, but i have a small lump under the skin on back of my thigh, and a weird spot lump on my jaw ive had nearly a year that worry me. My main fear is they are going to find something i havent noticed or thought was fine. Does anyone there use/used sunbeds and how many times did u go on them and for how long? x

09-09-14, 23:48

09-09-14, 23:53
I don't use sunbeds so can't help

I am sure all will be fine on Thursday though

09-09-14, 23:57
Thank u Nicola, i hope so. Like i said i dnt see anything but think they will find something. Me and my crazy mind xx

09-09-14, 23:59
Awww you will be fine and it will be good to get things looked at won't it?

10-09-14, 00:11
I know i do want my skin checked, been wanting it since dec ive just got this fear ill hear the words "its bad news" its taken over 2mos for this app and i wanted it to be over and done with and now its in less than 48hrs im scared x

10-09-14, 18:42
Need some advice, hubby just noticed a U shaped bruise on back of my thigh and its where ive had a small lump for a good couple of months maybe longer, any ideas? x

11-09-14, 10:49
App is in 4hrs, pooping myself :(

11-09-14, 13:11
Never used sunbeds so I can't help with that one either but I had suffered from anxiety about my moles. I was going to the doctors at least three times a week at one point.

Eventually to put my mind at rest they sent me to the hospital (well, it took four months for the appt) and I was in and out within 15 minutes. They checked my whole body and everything was fine!

Of course you are worrying but you're doing the right thing by getting it checked and if it is the worst, then they will be able to help you. Also, if they suspect it's cancer, I'm sure they give you an appt within two weeks.

11-09-14, 15:34
Good luck let us know how it goes!

You'll be fine! :hugs:

21-02-15, 01:07
Hey guys,

Sorry not been on for ages. try to put fears to the back of my head. i have been told so many things that the lump on my jaw could be, a skin wart (derm froze it off but clearly not a wart as its still here) a spot or a scar from nothing what so ever so i dont know.
The thing on the back of my thigh they said is an infected dermoid?? but they will do nothing about it even though i get pain if i sit on my leg wrong.
The mole under my boob with the star border to it is just from my boobs growing and the pigment has stretched out from the original raised brown squidgy mole.
The derm told me to keep an eye on the 1 on my back as its not perfectly round. it is a light brown with what looks like a tiny flat darker mole up the corner of it. i dont like the looks of it and dont like the idea of having to keep my eye on it as it is hard to when it is right in the centre of my back between my shoulder blades.
i still worry about every lump and bump i get. Esp moles. has anybody found their moles got bigger with any weight gain? i feel like im getting new moles all the time.
i even freak out over perfectly round 1 coloured moles as you hear the stories of the normal looking mole becoming melanoma.
i did have a mole that appeared on my belly and it was slightly raised and that mole has grown but the growth has stopped and it is a normal round 1 coloured mole and the dr has said its fine.
do you ever see a mole and think "god has that always been there? has it always looked like that" and you thoroughly think back to any time you may have glanced at it to see if it has changed.
My fear will go and then all of a sudden they will come flooding back to me. i hate having moles, or i wish i could get rid of alot of them, i know you can get them of with a laser although its not recommended. Gentleman told me of a woman who travelled to a different country and they used a laser on all her moles.
The sad thing is i do like using sunbeds and this is where i hit a head because i dont do drugs, i dont smoke, i rarely drink, so sunbeds are my vice. and i do apologise to anybody who has/had skin cancer, its the fear of melanoma that strikes fear into me not using them.
Everyone says use them in moderation its like Russian roulette or you dont know how and when u will die so what is the point in worrying about something that may never happen.
They also go on about hair, eyes, freckles, moles etc. well i have darkish brown hair but with red tones in, my eyes are hazel so i have green, dark blue and brown in them, i only freckle on my face when in the sun and then they are gone, i have quite a few moles. Now my husband has dark hair and dark eyes and he tans better than me but i keep mine longer. but he has lots of moles (some weird ones that are big and havent been there all his life) his shoulders are covered in permanent freckles and he also freckles in the sun. So how does this all work with the statistics etc.
All my moles range in diff colors from an orangey color (the ones ive had all my life) to a pinky brown to really dark brown, none of my moles are massive and majority of my moles are on my back and my arms.
Sorry this post went on for ages hahahaha xxxxx

21-02-15, 01:20
With all due respect, having skin cancer fears and using a tanning bed is akin to having lung cancer fears and smoking :shrug: Then again, for many including myself, while growing up I got sunburns galore and was outside running around in the sun all the time. I haven't gotten skin cancer (yet) but I was lucky enough to get oral cancer.... go figure (smoker/drinker).

You're right though... it's a Russian Roulette kind of thing. You may live to be 100 and have a great tan :shades:

Positive thoughts

21-02-15, 01:36
I'm sorry to hear that, that really sucks. Well its like my mom she was always outdoors and she was blonde haired and blue eyed, never got skin cancer but died from breast cancer. I just argue with myself alot, and I reason and dispute and do nothing but research, you could avoid tanning all your life and get skin cancer, you can tan all your life and not get skin cancer. Same with smoking etc

21-02-15, 02:04
I'm sorry to hear that, that really sucks. Well its like my mom she was always outdoors and she was blonde haired and blue eyed, never got skin cancer but died from breast cancer. I just argue with myself alot, and I reason and dispute and do nothing but research, you could avoid tanning all your life and get skin cancer, you can tan all your life and not get skin cancer. Same with smoking etc

Absolutely true ... That being said, it would make no sense to suffer from HA and worry about it would it? ;)

Positive thoughts

21-02-15, 14:12
I know what you are saying, its horrible living life in fear of illness, rejection, failure and death. I wish I was more care free and had the mentality of if it happens it happens, what is the point of living in the what ifs, why do I think ill be in the 4% of people who will get cancer, maybe past usage, maybe my mom etc I don't know. I just don't want to live under a rock and not enjoy life, I hope you are having a great day and everything is good your end xx

24-02-15, 18:56
I have such a fear for a mole on my back, I hate it so much, its 2 colors. Can I ask to have it removed? The dermatologist told me to keep my eye on it, I don't want a mole on my back that I can't really monitor I will attach a pic see what people think xx